Archive for November, 2017

3 things to try if you’re not loving what you do


Do you love what you do?  Do you wake up in the morning excited to get going and are buzzing after a great day?

Or do you feel exhausted at the thought of all that you’ve got to do? Does everything feel like a slog? Perhaps you feel like you’ve got to get your head down and there’s just no time to have any fun! 

I trained 28 people over 2 days last week and I loved every minute of it!

Don’t get me wrong I had to overcome my own fears at training such a big group, which I’d never done before. 

And yes I was pretty exhausted at the end of the 2 days. 

But I was also buzzing at the end of it.  

And it really made me realise how much I love what I do. Seeing how people can do things differently and step into change. 

Just 18 months ago I co-hosted my first ever 2 hour workshop for only 6 people. I’d never done anything like that before. 

That’s how it started: saying yes to something I’d never done before. Getting out of my comfort zone and doing something that I had no skills or experience doing. 

I woke up on the first day of this latest training and set the intention that we would have fun, despite being such a big group. 

And I did have fun. There was energy in the room, there was creativity and there was excitement to learn new skills and use these skills to move forward. 

Here are 3 things to try if you don’t quite love what you do. (And one of them isn’t to leave your job and walk away!)

  1. Say yes to something new. What could you say yes to today that you’ve never done before? What might you be really good at, that you haven’t even contemplated yet
  2. Don’t let fear stop you. There are probably a few things that you haven’t got the skills for. Yet. If an opportunity comes up, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.
  3. Set an intention. These are different to goals. What’s missing from your work right now? Is it fun, spontaneity, collaboration, support? Go to work today and intend that it will show up in one form or another. But be sure notice it when it does 😉

Love what you do and do what you love. 

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. What 1 thing would change everything about what you do? It might be that this one thing shifts everything for you and you start to love what you do again! Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!?


Do you have certain goals and ambitions but haven’t quite managed to achieve them yet? Do you get stuck in wondering how on earth you will get there so you never quite get started?

Perhaps you need to know every step in the journey before you’ll take any action at all?

That’s how we get stuck exactly where we are, with no idea how to move forward.

What if I said there are infinite ways you can achieve any goal?
The trouble is, you’re not always able to see them straight away.

We can waste precious energy and time trying to work out every single step along the way. 

But we can’t possibly know what will present itself after we’ve taken the first step and every step after that. Each step can take us in a slightly different direction that we hadn’t even thought of yet. 

Taking one small step forward will create the momentum you need to push you further.

Ask yourself, ”Why do I want to get there?”, rather than asking yourself, “How will I get there?”

This is a much more powerful question and when we understand why we want it, we become far more motivated to achieve it. 

So what can you do? Firstly, get clear about these 3 things:

  1. Why you want it. If you don’t really want something or you’re not clear on why you want it, then you’ll have no motivation to achieve it. Ask yourself if your goal excites you?
  2. What you will gain. Notice I said ‘you’. This is not about doing something to please someone else. Is this goal really yours? Or is someone else’s?
  3. What you’re willing to let go of in order to achieve your goal. When we shift into something new we will always lose a little bit of what we’ve left behind. But, will the rewards be greater? 

Then take just one step. Any step.  And be willing to take a ‘wrong’ step. But do take it!

Yes, there’s a risk involved. 
But isn’t it a greater risk not to start at all? 

After all, as Albert Einstein said, “the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”

That includes taking no action at all. Over and over again. 

If what you’re currently doing isn’t getting you closer to your current goal, then isn’t it worth taking that risk and trying a new approach?  

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. What do you truly want but are not moving any closer to? Do something differently. You’ll get a different result. I promise. 

P.P.S Reach out by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!