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Personalised Map to Manifesting Miracles
With Natasha Harris

Is there something you have been wanting to manifest for a while, but haven’t been successful yet?

Do you sometimes manifest what you want almost instantly? Yet, at other times you manage to manifest a whole lot of nothing?!

Sometimes we are unclear what we are doing to manifest something quickly and what at other times only seems to push what we want further away from us.


By understanding how we each manifest our own miracles we can take action to make it a reality.

I will give you your own Personalised Map to Manifesting Miracles so you know exactly what action to take and manifest what you want consistently! Time and time again.

Are you ready to step into your True Power, and start Manifesting what you want?

“My Map to Manifesting Reading kick-started me out of my inertia and enabled me to start to focus on what I want from life and how to go about achieving it. I can’t believe how accurate it was, it was what I needed at exactly the right time”

How Sessions Work

When you book your reading, I will send you a few questions so that I am able to access your Akashic Records. I will also ask you what it is you want to create in the next 3-6 months so that your Personalise Map to Manifesting Miracles is imemediatly actionable to something relevant in your life.

You will then receive an email from me to book in your 60 minute consultation. Together we will explore what action you need to start taking to align to your own Personalised Manifesting Map. I will show you what you are doing now that is stopping you from manifesting what you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Isn’t the Map the same for everyone?

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A. No. We are all unique and different, so we all manifest by taking different action. That’s why some things, like positive affirmations, work for some people, but not for others.  When you understand your unique way of manifesting, then you can take action accordingly. Things will start to change and you manifest what you want quicker than every!

Q. How does this tie in with the Akashic Reading?

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A. This is an extension of the Akashic Reading. You can do this first, or you can do this later, after the Reading. I do offer the 2 together as a package, but the consultations are separate. I don’t want to overwhelm you with information! I want to give you meaningful information that is actionable, practical and creates change in your life straight away. I want you to move forward to create the life YOU want!

Q. Is it for me?

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A. If you are ready to start manifesting what you want from your life consistently and with accuracy then this is for you!

Before I proceed with the reading I will make sure that you are prepared for this process.  If you are not ready for whatever reason, we will not go ahead.  Your wellbeing is my priority, so there is never any pressure.  

Q. Where are the readings done?

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A. I will do the reading alone – the time we spend together is our consultation where I give you your Map to Manifesting.  This is where I explain how you can create your goal through different action. As you move forward you will see what you want become a reality in your life. You will be able to apply your Map to anything you want to Manifest. The more your actions align to your Map the quicker you will manifest.

Consultations are done via Skype, so you can be anywhere in the world for this.  I record these consultation for you to keep, so you can revisit this information any time that you feel you need a reminder.

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Still not sure if an Akashic Reading & Clearing  is for you? 
Arrange a FREE ‘Step into Change’ consultation with me
We can discuss any expectations, I will give you a brief insight into your Soul Gifts
and I can answer any other questions that you might have.


Call me on 020 8452 6539, Email me at natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

OR complete and submit the Contact Form to find out more.