Celebrate, it’s 2019.

It all starts here. Right now. Today. 

This is your year! 

Don’t put off what you can start today :). 

Please don’t put it off any longer.
I’m asking you not to.
I believe in you.
You’ve got this and you can do it.

I’m not talking about setting a whole bunch of resolutions, which, if I’m really really honest, you probably won’t keep. 

This is about setting intentions. This is about getting closer to that bigger vision you want in your life and making it a reality.

What do you want to make room for and invite into your life this coming year? Is it a new relationship? Is it a financial target? Do you want to start a business? Do you want to move home or country?

Here are 4 steps that will help you get started on creating intentions that you’ll work towards. 

  1. Clarity – get really clear on what your vision for the year looks like. Get really specific. Where are you, who are you with and what are they like, is there a target you’re aiming for? Write it down or map it out. How does it feel looking at that?
  2. Decide – you have a choice now. You can decide that you’ll take action to achieve that beautiful vision or you can put it away and say you’ll start tomorrow. Remember, I believe in you and you can absolutely have whatever you put your mind to. Don’t stop now!
  3. Take aligned action – this is not just about getting ‘busy’. If you take action that’s aligned to your intention you’ll be there much quicker. Ask yourself “is what I’m doing getting me closer to what I want?”
  4. Visualisation – know it already exists for you. You are taking action towards it and it’s only physical time that needs to pass before you get there. You might hit a few bumps in the road (that’s normal), but the more action you take that’s aligned to this intention or vision the quicker you will get there. Read or look at your vision daily and feel that it’s already yours!

P.S. What are you struggling to manifest in your life or what have you been putting off for years? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S. send me an email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk


Filed under: mind

Why multi tasking won’t get your work done

Are you trying to get lots of things done at the same time? Do you have a never ending and overwhelming to-do list? Are you in a rush to get it all done, dare I say it, before Christmas!?

Everyone seems to rushing around at the moment to get everything done before they can stop and collapse in a heap over the holidays!

You probably know exactly what I mean –  rushing through your days, at 100mph, desperately trying to get it all done! 

Sorry to break it to you, but you’re not really multi tasking. 

What you’re actually doing, is flitting from one task to another very, very quickly, and none of those tasks are getting your full attention.

I used to be excellent at multitasking. In fact I used to think what a great skill I had, that I could do all these things (at once) and get loads done. 

But it’s exhausting and overwhelming. And after many years of perfecting (?!) this art, I was completely burnt out. My health suffered, and I was always pushing myself to do even more. I was anything but happy. 

So I learned a different way of doing things.

The to-do list sadly didn’t disappear or get any shorter. 

But what did happen was I learnt to approach things differently and still get as much done (if not more!)

Here are 3 tips and their benefits to approaching your to do list differently:

  1. Prioritise – look at your list and identify 2 or 3 (rather than 10) things you’d really like to get done in the day, and only focus on those. Chances are you’ll get more done and feel great about them. 
  2. Stop multitasking – stop trying to do several things at once and slow down. Pick the first of the 3 things on your list and focus on that one until it’s done. Then start on the next thing. 
  3. Turn distractions off – put your phone in another room, and turn off email alerts or anything else that’s going to distract you.
    Note: When I learnt you lose 7 minutes of productivity every time you get distracted, I’ve got really good at switching off distractions. That’s because it takes 7 minutes to get back to the same level of flow you were at before you got distracted, even if that was for 30 seconds.
    I don’t know about you, but I don’t have that many 7 minutes to lose 😉

So how will you benefit? You’ll definitely feel less stressed and overwhelmed. You’ll feel better because you’re being more productive. Your confidence will increase as you see for yourself that you can get things completed with less effort. You’ll sleep better and you’ll certainly have more energy.

It’s worth giving it a go huh?!

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. What are you getting overwhelmed by, that’s distracting you from the important stuff? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S. Send me an email. – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

How to accept all parts of yourself (warts and all)

Do you wish you didn’t have certain negative feelings? 

Do you believe when you eradicate all your negative thoughts everything will be ok? 

There seems to be a perception that once you eliminate, or transcend, your negative feelings, everything will be ok. 

But that’s not entirely true. 

We all have feelings and thoughts that feel good and those that, quite frankly, don’t feel so good. 

You’re not alone.

It’s my experience that when you seek to eliminate all your negative thoughts and emotions, that’s when things can really feel like an uphill struggle. 

It’s therefore much more important that you chose what you want to do with those thoughts and emotions. You can hold onto them and let them shape your day. Or you can see they are part of what makes you, you.

As you learn to accept and work with anything that doesn’t feel so good, that’s where true transformation happens. 

Thoughts are just thoughts. 

Feelings are just feelings. 

Until you assign meaning to them. 

When you assign meaning to those thoughts and feelings, you act on them. 

The outcome is that you get results that reflect those actions. 

You then get results that are either wanted or unwanted; good or not so good. 

Here are 4 steps for how to accept all parts of yourself (warts and all)

  1. Nothing is perfect. Rather than trying to get rid of the not so good feelings, acknowledge that they are there. Ask ‘what is this thought/feeling trying to highlight’? Perhaps there’s something you need to change or do differently. 
  2. Embrace the positive and negative. We have to experience the polarity to experience the good. How would you know what happiness feels like, if you’ve never known sadness? 
  3. Nothing’s permanent. We move through all thoughts and feelings. Good and not so good. Know that everything passes. This really helps me when feelings of fear, frustration or sadness come. When I accept things will change, it actually changes quicker than I expect. 
  4. We’re all unique. If you never felt anger what would motivate you to change? I know my anger about waste in our society led me to campaign for it, educate others and look at how I can do even more in my own life. I turned anger to passion. Use the energy of feelings to motivate you to create positive change – in yourself, in society, or for others. Don’t avoid them, it’s what make you, you.

When you accept all parts of you, your ego and your ‘shadow’ side, you can work with all aspects of yourself equally. You let go, you accept yourself and see the potential in others to do the same. 

This is where true transformation happens. 

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. What one thing are you struggling to accept about yourself right now? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you, and step closer towards your vision of who and what you want to be. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Send me an email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Are you clear about what you want to achieve but never quite seem to be able to get there? Or are you constantly running into road blocks that are stopping you from achieving your vision? 

Do you wonder if you’re just on the wrong path and it would be easier to just turn back?

I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about resistance and how it can help you move forward – you can read it HERE.

A client asked me this week “How do I know if it’s resistance or whether I’m just on the wrong path?”

This is a great question, because actually it can be tricky to tell the difference, especially if you’re in the thick of it and everything’s feeling like a bit of a struggle.

Firstly, let me explain what resistant is. Resistance shows up differently for many of us. But it will likely show up in the form of procrastination, distraction, lack of motivation, confusion, drama, doubt or even down-right fear. 

Do you recognise a few of those?

Remember, that it’s normal for resistance to show up as you head out of your comfort zone and towards any new outcome or goal. But resistance is often the reason why people just give up too soon!

When you expect a bit of resistance to show up, you get wise to it and you’re able to more easily push through it!

So how do you know if it’s resistance then? It’s quite simple really. Resistance, when you persist, will eventually wear off. As you push through resistance, things actually get easier. 

Read more on my blog here OR watch the video below

Here’s a simple example:

This is resistance. You’re tired but really feel you ‘should’ go to the gym when you really want to go home and relax on the sofa. But you go anyway. To start with, it’s a real struggle but after about 15 minutes or so it gets easier and you end your gym session feeling energised and great! 

This is probably the wrong path: Or after 1/2 hour in the gym it still feels like a struggle. Perhaps your back starts to ache but you keep going. At the end of your session you feel exhausted, in pain and de-motivated. That was the wrong path. Perhaps what you needed instead was a gentle stroll or jog through the park or a bike ride. 

So what will help to you recognise if it’s resistance or not:

  1. Be clear on your goal.  Is your goal actually what you want? Or is it something you feel you should be doing? If you don’t really want it, it will always be a struggle to get there. 
  1. Take aligned action. When you’re clear on your goal take purposeful action that’s aligned to achieving your goal. If persistent resistance shows up you might just need to find a different route rather than giving up on the goal entirely.  
  1. Stay motivated towards your goal. Don’t give up on something that you truly desire deep within you and don’t let resistance derail you. Remind yourself often why you want this goal and why it’s important to you.
  1. Resistance will wear off.  Remember resistance is normal as we head out of our comfort zone, but don’t keep going for the sake of it. 

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. Is resistance getting in the way of your big vision? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that helps you get closer to your vision. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Step out of fears way, and Play a bigger game

Do you have a big vision and a passion to make a difference? Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by the day to day to make that vision a reality? Does it feel like the longer you leave it, the further away it feels? 

This weekend I was training 22 lovely people who all have a vision to impact the world in positive ways. 

There were so many amazing ideas in the room, once people started to voice and share them within the group. It was really exciting. 

And I have no doubt that every single one of them will impact other people’s lives in some way. These visions will create a wave of change that will affect many more people than those they work with directly. 

But I also heard the other side – all the stuff that holds us back and gets in the way of making those visions a reality.

I know this for myself too. I have moments where I have held myself back. I still have those moments, sometimes daily!! 

I have also come up with some pretty imaginative ways to avoid fully owning my own vision. 

Fear creeps in. Fear of stepping up and playing a bigger game. Fear of speaking up in case someone doesn’t agree. Fear of making a wrong decision

We all feel fear in some way. 

It’s part of being human. 

Sadly, we can’t always eliminate fear entirely. 

But what we can do is get better at recognising when the fear pops up.

And when fear does pop up we become very aware of it, we acknowledge it and then we move through it. 

Read my 3 tips on stepping out of fear’s way on my blog here OR watch the video below

  1. Let go of what other people think. Your vision is far too important to not make it a reality. The longer you stay quiet about it or hide it, the trickier it becomes. Speak up, tell someone who you trust. 
  1. Find your supporters. They are out there, I promise. Start to look for people that share a similar vision to you. Join groups, follow people who inspire you and find your voice to share your vision with others that get it. 
  1. Take your first step. We can’t arrive at our vision until we’ve taken a first step. It doesn’t have to be a big step. It just needs to be a step. Followed by another one and then another. You’ve got to keep going and keep hold of that vision. Keep stepping through the fear. 

Be warned though – your vision might change shape a little along the way. It might actually get bigger and bolder!!

Stay inspired and take one step today to making your vision a reality. 

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. What one step can you take right now to take you closer to your vision? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S. Reply via email – I’d love to hear what your vision is, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

3 key steps in making your vision a reality

Are you running your own business and want to impact the world but feel too overwhelmed by the day to day? Are you a leader within your organisation feeling frustrated by others and the task in hand? Are you a parent who wants to lead a good example to your kids?

Do you have a vision to create change in the world?

Last week I spent 3 days in Phoenix, Arizona with 1,100 other business owners. At first I was completely overcome at the idea of being in a room with so many people. 

But what stood out for me was that every single person in that room, including the “already made it” key note speakers, had a clear vision to have a positive impact on others. They wanted to change lives, have a positive impact on the world and give back.

And it was incredibly inspiring. 

It made me realise a few things:

  • Having a clear vision of the impact you want to have is key.
  • Understand why this vision is really, really important to you.
  • Make a promise to yourself that your vision will become a reality.
  • Commit to that vision and taking the action that’s needed. 

It also got me thinking about my own mission to create positive change in the world. 

It’s always been a passion of mine – to create change. I’ve worked in the charity sector for environmental and social causes for many years.

Now my vision is to support people in making their own visions a reality. Supporting them to gain clarity about their own vision and the impact they want to have – on the world, in our community, in our career, with our business, and for our family and loved ones. 

It doesn’t matter if your vision is great or small. We can all lead in whatever we are doing.

Are you clear about your vision and desire and are you working towards it? 

Or do you feel you’re a little off track and don’t really know how to make it all happen?

There are many things that can help you achieve your vision so that you can lead the way forwards for others.

Read my top 3 tips that will help you on my blog here OR watch the video below

  1. Vulnerability – it’s ok not to have all the answers. Show your kids, team or clients that you’re only human and sometimes we don’t always know the direct route to creating that vision. What we can do is lead ourselves (and others) to the first next step along the way – this way the next step beyond that becomes clearer.
  1. Honesty – be honest with yourself, but also be honest with others. Speak up for what’s important to you. Be honest about what’s getting in your way or holding you back and be willing to overcome them. The important ingredients are compassion and understanding. It’s ok if your vision changes or grows with you along the way.
  1. Connection – when you get the first 2 on track you create real connections with others. You impact lives and it creates a ripple effect outwards. This is how you can change the world, create a movement and bring people along with you. You lead by living your own truth every day.

Remember:  Start small and build from there. If you’re stuck, or if overwhelm is getting in the way of making your vision a reality, then get in touch and let’s chat about how, together, we can make it a reality. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. What one thing is getting in the way of making your vision a reality right now? Stand strong in your vision. Don’t give up. Get back on track, and commit. Others need you. 

P.P.S Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

How to step fully into control (with confidence)

Do you have everything mapped out? Do like to know exactly how things will happen and what everyone else needs to do in order for things to be ok? Do you feel it will all fall apart if something or someone gets in the way??

Or do you go with the flow, able to navigate things that crop up, and keep going with a sense of calm and achievement?

There are different kinds of control. 

There’s the positive kind of control that helps us get where we want to go, navigating our way in a fluid and flow-like way.

We have a clear idea and vision about where we want to go or what we want to achieve. 

Things might crop up along the way which distract us momentarily, but that’s ok. We get over the frustration relatively quickly – there is inevitably frustration along the way – we course correct and then keep going. 

We allow people to figure out their own journey as we go on ours. We support them rather trying to get them to do it our way. 

We are strong, resilient and we have the resources to cope with whatever is put in our path. 

This is control with strength and courage. It’s a softer kind of control that is fluid and open to change. 

And then there’s another kind of control. 

It’s not bad or negative. Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t like to place things quite so quickly into good/bad, wrong/right etc. 

It’s just different. 

But this kind of control generally feels more like a fight and a struggle to get to where you’re heading. 

Nothing feels in flow and any challenges or diversions along this path feel frustrating and usually sets you back. 

We also try to get everyone else to fit in with our life plan, trying to ensure that if they do things a certain way or behave a certain way it’ll all work out fine. 

It definitely takes us longer to get where we’re going when we hold onto this kind of control in our lives. 

It affects our work, our relationships with colleagues, family and friends, and it affects our own wellbeing and of course, our confidence. 

This is a rigid form of control. It’s unnerving and we always feel as though we’re on the back foot. We feel like we’re only just about holding onto control and it erodes our confidence as time goes by. 

So, which kind of control shows up the most for you?

If it’s the less positive kind, then there are a few things you can do to start feeling more in control so that your confidence soars.

I was chatting with a client of mine recently who now feels so much more in control of where her life is heading. She responds to situations and those people around her in a very different way, especially those that are closest to her.

So today’s 3 tips are actually my client’s top tips on how she has gained more ‘positive’ control in her life:

  1. Stay aware of it – become aware of when you’re trying to control something or someone to fit into your way of doing thing. How might you be able to navigate the odd bump in the road or hurdle, without it stopping you in your tracks?
  1. Say no to things and people – this isn’t easy for many of us. We’re often trying to please others or avoid criticism so we do things we don’t want to. Ask yourself what do I want to do here or what do I need right now that will give me contentment? 
  1. Ask why I’m doing it – everything we do, say or how we act impacts those around us as well as ourselves. Before we react, take a moment to ask yourself, how will doing this (or saying this), impact those around me, and how will it affect me? 

We are all responsible for how we react in a situation or towards others. When something unexpected happens then it can either derail us or set us back. Or we can find a way to navigate around it and keep going. We become resilient and find ways to do things differently. We take control of our lives and find solutions in order to keep moving forward. There’s nothing more empowering than that 🙂

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. Where in your life, do you not feel in control at the moment? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S. Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

How resistance can help you move forward!

Do you find that when you’re on a roll and things are going really well, all of a sudden and quite literally from nowhere things start to go quite dramatically wrong? Do you then feel like you’re right back where you started?

It’s disheartening isn’t it? I’ve been there many, many times. Things are going great, lots of new stuff is showing up – all evidence that I’m on the right track, right?! 

And then out of nowhere something goes wrong. A work opportunity disappears. Fun plans get cancelled. Someone behaves unexpectedly. Things break or go wrong. 

We put our heads in our hands and ask: “What on Earth am I doing wrong?”

It makes us stop in our tracks and we want to give up. 

It’s disappointing, it’s de-motivating and it’s exhausting. 

And the more we keep playing out this pattern (moving forward – stopping – going back in our old comfort zone), the more exhausted we become. 

When things go ‘wrong’ it feels like a sign from the universe that we are on the wrong track and we should turn back, doesn’t it?

I used to think so too!

But it is actually a sign to keep going. 

Counter intuitive, right? But hear me out. 

When we are busy taking lots of action to create the changes we want, it feels really exciting as new things show up. The results feel really positive and encourage us to keep going.

Then, as soon as the results don’t feel so positive anymore, we immediately think we’re doing something wrong. This is when so many of us give up. We stop and we head straight back to our comfort zone, which was exactly where we were trying to move out of!

This is perfectly normal, that’s why so many of us do it. 

Moving out of our comfort zone isn’t always easy and that’s when resistance shows up. We have a wobble, it feels too difficult. So we stop. 

Many of us stop just before we make that transition into our new comfort zone. We turn right back around and head straight back to what’s comfortable and familiar. We know it well after all, even if we didn’t like it there. 

So when resistance shows up, it’s actually a sign to keep going and head further away from your old comfort zone and keep taking action to continue moving forward and create your new comfort zone. 

As you move out of your comfort zone, some of the stuff that was in there with you (keeping you comfortable!) will no longer be useful or helpful where you going.

So it will absolutely feel uncomfortable as some of this stuff shows up. 

Don’t lose heart. It’s a sign to keep going. 

It’s an opportunity to look at what’s showing up and ask yourself, what do I need to approach differently, what can I change, what do I need to fix or eliminate?

It’s an opportunity for you to look at this uncomfortable experience, and check what needs to change to continue moving forward. 

The important thing here is to keep going! It’s not easy. I know.

But it’s worth a shot, if the alternative is heading straight back to what you’re trying to move away from isn’t it?

Here are 4 tips to help you push through resistance:

  1. Accept change can be hard. Moving out of our comfort zone into something relatively unknown isn’t always easy. It requires persistence.
  2. Keep going, don’t stop. Don’t turn around and head straight back to your old comfort zone. 
  3. Approach things differently. When stuff shows up that doesn’t feel positive, ask yourself what you need to eliminate, change or fix. What can you do differently to keep going?
  4. Celebrate resistance. When resistance show up it really does mean a transition is coming. If you can get excited when resistance shows up then you have the energy to keep going. 

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. Where is resistance showing up for you right now? Change won’t always feel safe, as you have no certainly about where you’re going, so approach it differently and find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S. Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Why change is hard

Do you really want to change something in your life but can’t quite seem to take the first step?

Or do you get all excited and take action straight away but then find that your motivation disappears and you’ve gone back to exactly what you were doing before?

My guess is you probably do a bit of both in different areas of your life.

Does this struggle to change show up in your job, in career decisions, in your relationships or your health and wellbeing?

Change is really hard for us all, and there’s a reason for that. Don’t worry you’re not alone.

When we can understand a little more about why change can feel so challenging it can help us to become more aware of the tricks we play on ourselves to stay where we are.

Firstly, there’s fear. This is probably the one thing that stops us all the most!  

Our survival instincts are strong. 

You’ve probably heard of ‘fight or flight’, and in the olden days this instinct kept us safe and out of trouble.  Ultimately these instincts kept us alive. 

But in today’s society we perceive ourselves to be under threat almost on a daily basis, and this is what causes us to live with high levels of stress and anxiety. 

We’ve all felt like this – when something unexpected happens and it feels like the rug’s been pulled from under our feet. 

Or we cling to things so tightly, to something that we feel we wouldn’t survive if we no longer had it.  

Some of us literally feel like our survival is constantly under threat.

So when you decide to take action to create something new and different our survival instinct kicks in because we’re not sure if we’re safe.

It’s safer to stay where you are, and so we don’t create the change we want so very much.

Secondly, there’s random action. This happens when we’re not really clear on what we want to change going forward.

We just know we don’t want to be where we are.

So, we take random action in the hope that it will get you away from where you are right now. 

When you take random action things will absolutely change for you in the short term.

But random actions will always feels like hard work and an uphill struggle. That’s because where you’re heading is likely not where you want to be either. 

You will quickly lose motivation, and then it’s quite possible that it feels like nothing much has really changed at all.

Here are some tips to create the change you want more easily:

  1. Decide why you want to create change. Get clear on what it is that you truly want in your life in 6 months or a year. Then ask yourself what will this give you? Why do you want to create change? Will this change give you freedom, peace, joy, love? Choose one word that describes everything that this change will give you. Be really clear on this one word and write it down.
  1. Take new micro actions. In order to create this bigger change in your life you have to change things right now. It’s unlikely you will get this bigger change straight away, and you might not be clear how to get there. You will need to take small steps first so the path becomes clearer. Ask yourself how many actions (there will 1,000’s) you do on a daily basis resonate with the one word you chose.  If its freedom, like me, then check what actions resonate with freedom. Eliminate actions that don’t resonate to freedom, and replace them with new actions that do.
  2. Make your action your own. Don’t take new action because everyone else is telling you that’s what you should do. Be sure your actions resonate with what you want to create for yourself. This will get you to where you want to go far quicker.
  1. Be aware of fear. Fear is sneaky, it will creep up on you, and stop you from creating what you want. Be aware of it, make peace with it and know it’s trying to keep you safe. That way you can move through the fear knowing that even though there might be a little risk involved, you are still safe.

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. What one do you really want to change right now? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Mindfulness has been a hot topic for some time now, but are you still wondering what it’s all about, and how it can help you?

Life is busy isn’t it? Do you feel that it seems to be getting busier and busier?

If the answer is yes, then you’re not alone. Everything seems to change so fast and for many of us we feel like we have to speed up in order to keep up. 

We’re lost in the sea of busyness, and we don’t know how to adapt to all this change.  

We seem to be doing things faster than ever to keep up. And that causes us to get stressed or feel like we can’t stop, even for a second, to catch our breath. 

This is where mindfulness can change everything for you.

Mindfulness is all about how you bring your attention to what you are doing right now in this very moment, rather than letting your mind wander off to the past or the future.

Being mindful helps you become more aware of what’s not working for you. It gives you an opportunity to do things differently and it then creates a powerful shift in your life.

As we go through our days, we miss so much! How often have you arrived somewhere and have no idea how you got there? You can’t retrace your steps, perhaps because you were too busy thinking about what you had to do next, or you were caught up thinking about something that happened earlier that you can no longer change. 

Do you sometimes feel like life is quite literally passing you by?

So, as you start to become aware and take more notice of what’s going on around you, you are able to start making small changes to how you go about your day to day life in manageable ways. 

This is the first step to mindfulness so that it starts to become a way of being, rather than something else we have to do!

By doing something – anything – mindfully you automatically slow down a little. 

But that doesn’t mean you get less done. 

Instead, you are experiencing the moment as it actually happens. This helps you to let go of all the things that are whirring around your mind and cause you to get stressed or anxious. You start to let go of any judgement and accept the situation for what it is. 

In fact, you actually start to get more done!


YOU CAN TRY IT OUT TODAY: Walk down the road today and notice everything. Put your phone, and any other distractions away. Notice the people passing by? Are they men or women? What are they wearing? Are they smiling or do they look happy? What cars are on the road? What are the buildings like on the other side of the road? What have you walked past 100 times before and never noticed?  

As you go about your day, start to notice these little things more and more. What else do you notice?

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. how often are you rushing to get somewhere and preoccupied with what you’re doing, that you miss what’s right in front of you? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply via email and let me know how you are getting on and what mindfulness tips that I’ve been sharing are working for you? Or, let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Do you feel like everything’s always going a bit wrong? Do you always find yourself focusing on the bad or annoying things that have happened in the day? Do you always see how people are letting you down?

Seeing the negative is something many of us gravitate more easily towards. 

It fuels our stress, worry and anxiety. 

And the more attention we give these things, the deeper we feel and experience them. 

But there is another way. 

It just takes a little bit of practice. 

Though not much. 

Committing to as little as 2-3 minutes a day can change everything. 

You’ll see more positive things appear in your life. 

You’ll notice the lovely things that others are doing for you and what they are contributing to others. 

You’ll learn how to celebrate your own positive qualities and gifts and want to share these more and more with others. 

All this for 2-3 minutes a day.

Really? Yes, really. 

It comes in the form of a gratitude practice. 

Last week I hosted a 7 day gratitude challenge over in my private Facebook group. 

If you commit to 2 or 3 minutes a day, you can have all these benefits. 

It’s a bit like committing to brushing your teeth.

You look after your teeth by brushing for 2-3 minutes at least twice a day. And we do this without thinking about it, don’t we?

So why wouldn’t you invest 2-3 minutes a day looking after your own emotional and mental wellbeing in the same way?

You can also get your kids involved and help them to build their emotional resilience and wellbeing. You can do it at the dinner table and together share your gratitude for the day. 

It’s the first thing I get my clients to do and the amazing thing is that those who commit to it, make quicker progress in getting to their goals and creating change in their lives.

So are you ready to commit to 2-3 minutes a day on being grateful?


There are daily short videos and daily tips to help you. Even a few gifts along the way 🙂

I will support you in building a gratitude practice

I don’t want to give it all away now but here are some of the things I’ve been sharing over the last week:

  1. Keep it simple – note down just 3 things, more if you can.
  2. It only takes 2-3 minutes a day, that’s all to feel better.
  3. Note it down – it’s really powerful.
  4. Start to notice the things you’re grateful for as they’re actually happening.
  5. Notice the things about yourself you’re grateful for, your gifts and what you contribute.
  6. Use your senses to help you see what you’re grateful for in the moment. 
  7. Look out for what people DO do for you, not what they aren’t doing – those relationships will improve so quickly.
  8. Check out the tip cards in the group – there’s loads of tips to help you on your gratitude journey.
  9. All the posts from the challenge are under the topic GRATITUDE CHALLENGE, so go to the topics section and you can start on DAY 0.
  10. Get others involved and share the gratitude love.

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

All you have to do is join the group and commit 2-3 minutes a day (plus watching the short videos in the first week)

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. Here’s what a couple of people said about the challenge:

I’m really getting a buzz out of doing this challenge.”

This challenge came just at the right time for me Natasha to re-invigorate my gratitude reflections”

“Loving this gratitude challenge Natasha. My gratitude journal is brimming with gratitude today!

“Loving the challenge. What a great idea”

“My son is loving this challenge, we do it around the dinner table in the evening”

Today I’m grateful to Natasha for running the Gratitude Challenge…thanks Natasha!pastedGraphic.png

P.P.S. What great things are missing right now, that you could be grateful for and will help you to focus on something more uplifting? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.P.S. Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Do you find yourself getting to the end of the week and wondering where on earth the week has gone? Do you feel yet another week has passed you by and you’ve been busy caught up in being busy?
Do you get a sense that if you just slowed down a little life might not pass you by quite so quickly?

Sometimes it can feel like life is happening to us when we’re constantly caught up in being so busy. 

We find ourselves running ahead, tripping over ourselves, to get the next thing on the ‘to do’ list done. We’re constantly trying to juggle and multitask. And if you’ve got kids, you’re more than likely juggling their busy schedules too.

We’re on this perpetual cycle of busy and we rarely come up for air!

Life can feel like it is quite literally passing us by. 

But this never ending cycle of ‘busy’ is exhausting and stressful. 

It puts a strain on our emotional and mental wellbeing, not to mention the strain it puts on our relationships. 

It’s important to take a break from this cycle of busy. 

But before you say, “it’s impossible to take a break, I’ve just got too much to do”, hear me out. 

It doesn’t have to be difficult or challenging to slow down a little. There are small tweaks we can make to how we do things that make a big difference. 

And the more we slow down, the more we will actually get done!

I know that seems farfetched, but it’s true, I promise. 

So how do we engage more in the present moment and slow down?

Here are 3 things that help me to slow down:

  1. Awareness. Notice when you’ve got caught up in the busy. Remind yourself it’s ok. The important thing is that you’ve caught yourself doing it. Taking that moment to recognise it, you’ve taken a break from it.
  1. Take a breath. Literally take a deep breath (or 3). Inhale deeply and exhale some of the tension in your shoulders or wherever you feel it has been building up. You oxygenate your blood and give your organs a bit of a massage. Your body will thank you for that short break. 
  1. Slow down.  Mentally make a decision to turn down the busy from say a maxed out 10, to 9.5. It’s just a slight shift in slowing down. You don’t have to stop completely. This will give you a little bit of space. 

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. What one thing will remind you that you’ve got caught up in busy? Mindfulness is a bit like building muscle memory, the more you do – even if 10 seconds at a time – you’ll end up doing it more automatically. 

P.P.S Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!

Filed under: mind

Four ways to get comfortable with uncertainty


Do you like to plan for every eventuality? Do you feel really uncomfortable not knowing what’s going to happen? Do you second guess what people are thinking and try to act accordingly?

This topic has been coming up a lot lately. For my clients, but also for myself.

As humans we’ve got very good at predicting risk and trying to avoid it at pretty much any cost.

We therefore, can become fearful of making a mistake and getting it wrong.

So, in our attempts to ensure we make the ‘right’ decisions we end up planning for every eventuality and trying to force everything (and everyone) down a set path.

But this never works!

Because there’s no way we can possibly predict what’s going to happen or how people will respond with absolute certainty.

There are simply far too many options to navigate.

So, what are the costs of trying to do predict and plan for everything to avoid disappointment or making a mistake:

  • We become exhausted trying to plan everything to the nth degree.
  • We live on continually high levels of stress and anxiety trying to control everything.
  • We ignore other people’s desires, needs and wants.
  • We make huge assumptions (which are usually wrong) about the situation.
  • We cannot possibly know what others are thinking and feeling.
  • We have no clue how others will respond to a situation.
  • We can feel like we’ve failed when the outcome isn’t quite what we planned.
  • We stay completely stuck for fear of getting it wrong.

I could reel off a few more reasons why it doesn’t work, but I think you get the picture 😉

It’s not ideal is it??

But I think for me the main consequence is that we stop ourselves from ever being in flow. We feel completely disconnected from ourselves and trusting that there’s a bigger picture at play where everything is connected.

We don’t allow things to unfold in their own good time.

The more we try to fight that and try to control it, the harder it becomes. The more disconnected we become from trusting that everything and everyone is connected, the further we push away our hopes, our dreams and being content with life, as it is right now.

Read more about the four things that have helped over the years to get more comfortable with uncertainty (but not quite perfected!)

  1. Trust yourself. How you feel is a sign post. If it feels good deep down then keep doing it. If it doesn’t, try another way. Any other way is better than carrying on.
  2. Be in flow. If it’s hard work and an uphill struggle, it’s not right. Find what feels good for you and step towards that.
  3. Step away. Take a step back and see the bigger picture. Is this going to matter in 6 months? 1 year? 5 years? Probably not.
  4. Get it wrong. Be willing to make a mistake. What’s the worst that can happen? Mistakes always offer you an opportunity to learn. That way you can get one step closer to where you want to be.

You are not here to suffer or to ‘learn’ life lessons the hard way. You are here to experience yourself, warts and all, and discover how to be ok with who you are – including all your wonderful quirks.

Look inside yourself and see that we are all beautiful beings trying to figure out this strange thing called life.

We’re all in it together.

Be yourself.
Be vulnerable.
Be honest.
Be authentic.
Let others see the True you.

That way the people that love and appreciate you for all your gifts will begin to ‘see’ the true you. Not the person you are trying to be.

Remember: Start small and build from there. 

Much love,
Natasha x

P.S. What one thing makes you really uncomfortable not knowing? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S. Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!? natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Do you ever have days when everything feels not very ok at all? And sometimes you don’t even know why you feel not very ok, you just know that you do?

Last week was mental health awareness week.

So, if you did hear a lot about it last week, please don’t forget about it this week.

It really is important for us all to look after our own mental health and wellbeing every week of the year. And it’s equally important to look out for the wellbeing of others too. 

Sometimes we wake up in the morning and we just don’t feel ok. There might not be any apparent reason why we wake up feeling that way.

We all have those ‘not ok’ days. Every single one of us. And it can be comforting to know that we are never alone.

I know I have those days too. Days when everything feels like an uphill struggle and I often don’t even know why I feel that way. I just wake up, and I don’t feel ok. 

I have learned that it’s ok to not feel ok. 

I don’t always have to put on a brave face. 

I have learned that I don’t need to bottle it all up. There are people that I can reach out to when I am not feeling ok.

I have realised that there are others out there too that are having a hard time. Even though on the face of things they seem to be doing just fine – but perhaps that’s not how they are feeling inside. 

Here are 5 things that really help me when I’m not feeling ok:

  1. Reach out – I’ve learned that it’s ok to reach out to someone close and ask for some support. The more I do this, the easier I find it to let someone know that I might need a hug or ask them if I can have 10 minutes of their time to listen to me. Who would you reach out to first?
  2. Vulnerability – I know I don’t always have to be the strong one, I can show people that I’m struggling, and that I’m finding it tough. I’m only human after all ;-). How might you let someone know that things might be bit tough for you at the moment? 
  3. It’s ok – I’ve learned that I don’t have to beat myself up when I’m not bounding around with joy. I’m allowed to have an off day and I give myself permission to not feel ok. The more I allow myself to feel it, rather than ignore it, the quicker I find the feelings then pass.
  4. Ask myself what I need – I don’t push myself quite so hard anymore when I’m feeling flat and unmotivated. I give myself permission to go slower, and not push to get everything done. What might you let go of a little when you’re finding it tough?
  5. It’s normal – We all have off days, and those around us that appear to have it all sorted, possibly haven’t got it sorted all the time. They will have ‘off’ days too. Who do you know who might be struggling a little at the moment?

So, please don’t suffer in silence, there really is no need to. And don’t forget others that might be putting a brave face on it, might be suffering too. Let those you love and care for know that you’re there for them… for the laughter and the tears! It will provide great comfort to you both.

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. What do you do when you’re not feeling ok? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!

Filed under: mind

These 3 steps will help you find your purpose

Do you feel you’re here to fulfil a purpose in life? And perhaps you have no clue what that purpose is?

Or do you have a really good idea what it is, but you have no idea what to do to fulfil it?

I was having a really interesting conversation with a client the other week about this, and it got me thinking.

I love to talk about reconnecting to our purpose, but what does it really mean?

I believe that our life purpose is something that unfolds day to day, month to month, year to year.

But feeling a connection to our purpose is something we do every day. This, for me, is about continuing to live more authentically and do what feels important and harmonious to us in the moment. It’s about getting to know ourselves better as time goes on. It’s about doing more of what feels good to us every day.

Purpose is different for everyone.

I guess it’s a bit of a dance we do in life. You slowly move towards your bigger life purpose. Then, perhaps, something happens that distracts you, or challenges you and you focus on that for a while. Perhaps as a result your purpose has shifted and changed a bit.

When you move towards what you want, you connect to joy, contentment and peace. You take a few steps closer towards your purpose.

But sometimes you stray from your purpose and you forget what’s important to you.

Sometimes, we’re busy fulfilling everyone else’s dreams or doing what we believe we should be doing in order to ensure everyone else is happy.

You forget about what’s important to you. And this is when it’s time to stop and reconnect to your Purpose.

My purpose is always growing and expanding. It changes as my confidence grows. It shifts as I get to know and understand myself better.

I started off as an IT and project manager. I’ve worked for charities, I’ve set up a local organic veg box. That can’t be further from where I am today, but I recognise that every step of the way was important and necessary to get me to where I am today.

I’ve learnt so much about myself in doing all those things. I learned what’s important to me. I learned what my strengths are. I learned what my weaknesses are.

I am still learning.

And although I’m living closer to my purpose, I also know I’m not there yet.

My purpose continues to unfold.

Do I know where it’s heading? Not really, but I have an idea though I’m not entirely sure where I will end up. I trust that if I continue to follow my hopes and my dreams, I will get closer and closer. But in the meantime I try to live my purpose every day (with the odd mistake every now and again, of course!)

Here are 3 tips to finding your life purpose:

  1. Relax – there’s no hurry to get there. Remember you don’t have to figure it all out right now. Be patient, and enjoy the journey as it unfolds.
  2. Clarity – What’s important to you right now? Write a list of these things. Start talking about them with friends and family. Start doing things on that list and see where it takes you.
  3. Trust – follow your instinct and what feels good. Only you know what feels good and makes you feel alive. It’s not up to anyone else, but you. Take one step to doing something for yourself.

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,
Natasha x

P.S. Do you feel connected to your purpose? Are you allowing it to unfold or are you letting life pass you by? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S. Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!? natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Are you feeling stuck and unable to move forwards?

Does it feel like, in order to change something, you have to do something drastic or monumental?

Are you unable to make a start because you worry you won’t be able to achieve the change you want?

Change doesn’t have to be scary, and we certainly don’t need to do anything drastic!

Last week, I went and had a swimming lesson and it was such a stark reminder how small tweaks to what we are doing can make a huge difference.

I haven’t had a swimming lesson since I was in primary school. That’s quite a long time ago! I’ve always been an ok swimmer, but it was only in the last few weeks that my chiropractor has been encouraging me to start swimming again to strengthen and protect my back.

I was hesitant. I love being active and being outside. Swimming is not one of those activities I love. It’s a hassle. And it’s certainly not ideal for someone like me with long curly hair. Especially if you have lots of it!

But I thought I’d at least give it a try. If I was going to do it though, I knew I wanted to make sure I was swimming correctly and efficiently.

So, I got some help, and I booked myself a swimming lesson.

As it turns out, I’m not a bad swimmer, but there was definitely room for improvement.

So with a few minor adjustments – lengthening my arm stroke a little, just turning my head rather than lifting and turning it, keeping my chin slightly tucked down – I found that I was swimming with far more ease, confidence and with far less effort.

It really showed me that these small changes really do make a big difference!

And it also showed me that even if we’re pretty good at something, it can be so beneficial to get some advice.

This way someone can help you see what you’re doing objectively and what you might change a little to make things even more effortless!

I could never have figured out what I needed to tweak on my own.

And I’m sure after a few weeks of practicing I will need to tweak it again so that I can keep perfecting my technique 🙂

So how do we apply this to other areas of our lives to create the change we want?

There are 4 questions to ask yourself to get you taking that first small step

  1. What is it I’d really like to change? Acknowledging what’s not quite working for you right now is really important. Without first understanding what that is, we remain stuck and unable to change it.
  2. Am I ready to create that change? Knowing you’re now ready to create that change, no matter if it seems a little scary right now, will give you the motivation you need to take a step forward.
  3. What do I want right now instead? Asking yourself this question helps you unlock a solution rather than staying stuck on the problem or challenge you’re facing. The fear of the bigger goal may seem unattainable so it’s much easier to break it down into smaller goals. Our bigger goal might just shift for the better in the process.
  4. What 1 small step can I take that will get me closer to what I want? Remember this is a small step, it’s not the giant leap. Think back to how you got to where you are right now, it was a series of smaller experiences that led you here. There’s no need to hurry, work at a pace that’s comfortable for you.

Remember: Start small and build from there.  We don’t have to leave our job, our partners, or move countries as our first step. Perhaps it’s just looking to see what other jobs are out there, arranging something new and exciting to do with our partners, or it’s exploring where you might want to move to initially by going there for a mini break!

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. What one thing would you like to change right now? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S. Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!? natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Do you feel like you’re always running on empty? Do you feel others drain the energy out of you? Or Are you left drained by always giving away far too much of yourself to others?

Sometimes we can feel like we’re running on empty and people just keep asking for more.

But what is the cost to keep going when you are left exhausted or even at the end your tether?

Often we feel like we need to give certain things, or people, in our lives everything we have.

We over-give to our partners, our work, our business, our friendships, our kids.

Why do we sometimes give so much of ourselves away?

That’s a good question…We often do it because we feel it’s expected of us, or we think we’ll get what we need in return: energy, acknowledgement, approval, love, acceptance.

Let me give you an analogy: We can’t run a car on empty and expect it to keep going. Even if it’s running close to empty the quality of the petrol left in the tank won’t be very good, and we’ll probably end up doing some damage to the engine. And that can get rather expensive to fix!

When we are constantly depleting our own energy by giving everything we have, we end up exhausted, and running on nearly empty. A bit like that poorly maintained car…..Nothing will function optimally when we are in this state: our bodies, or our emotional and mental wellbeing.

So, what if we stop giving our energy to people or situations, and we start sharing our energy instead?

It’s subtle but it makes a huge difference.

By sharing we are not giving everything we have in order to do something. Sharing means our energy can stay replenished. Sharing also implies an exchange so it’s a mutual transaction, and so everyone gets a little top up of energy in the process.

When we start to share more, and we have more energy, then everything starts to work better and feel better. And in turn, our relationships start to improve and we can find joy in the smaller things again 🙂

It’s something, I’m pleased to say, that I’ve got much better at over the years. It has helped me to realise that even though I don’t have to over-give, I can still help and do things for others. I can do it from a space of wanting to, rather than feeling I should.

Here are three things you can do differently in order to share your energy, rather than give it away:

  1. Set boundaries – understanding for yourself what depletes your energy and what leaves you feeling energised is a great start. We can all love helping and supporting others, and when we share our love, energy, enthusiasm, compassion we definitely feel better for it.
  2. Say no – this is not as hard as it sounds! Start with a few smaller things that you find depleting. It’s my experience that people understand when you explain you can’t do something or you offer another solution.
  3. Take positive action – do things that feel better for you, that energise you, that make you feel happy. Do something for you, you deserve it!

RememberStart small and build from there. 

Much love,
Natasha x

P.S. What one thing can you say no to right now? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S. Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!? natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk


Filed under: mind


Have you been hearing lots of great things about Mindfulness but feeling a bit lost on how to start?

Are people telling you that Mindfulness will really help you with feelings of stress or anxiety?

Is the idea of meditation putting you off getting started?

I often hear that people are hesitant about mindfulness because they find it really hard to meditate.

My clients tell me how they find it nearly impossible to sit quietly for even 10 minutes and switch off their mind.

I couldn’t agree more. I can’t sit there for that length of time and switch my mind off completely either! It’s certainly not easy to do that. And I don’t believe that’s what we have to do in order to be mindful.

I sometimes feel there’s a bit of a misunderstanding that meditation and mindfulness are the same thing.

While you can be mindful while you meditate, you certainly don’t have to meditate to be mindful.

Mindfulness is a way of life, and you can practice it at any moment during the day.

  • You can practice it for just 10 seconds.
  • You can practice it while chatting to a friend and actively listening to what they are saying.
  • You can practice it while walking down the road and noticing everything around you (rather than thinking about your to do list, or looking at your phone).
  • You can practice it while focusing on your breath. Inhale. Exhale.
  • You can practice it while reading this blog 🙂

You are practicing it when you notice that you need to stop for a moment and take a break.

Mindfulness, in its simplest form, is being fully engaged in the very moment you’re in, whatever you are doing.

The more you become aware of it, the easier it becomes. The more you practice it, the greater the benefits.

You have a better attention span and become more focused. You are able to do things more efficiently because you’re not being distracted.

You will feel better, because you not trying to do lots of things at once. You give your body and mind a welcomed break from the endless chatter.

Sounds inviting doesn’t it?

When you are being mindful, you are in flow. Things slow down but you can still get things done.

So if you’re giving Mindfulness a go, it helps to remember these 3 things:

  1. Try out 1 or 2 things– we’re all different and what works well for one person might not work at all for someone else. Find what works for you and keep practicing it.
  2. Be patient – it takes a little time for things to become our new ‘normal’. It’s rumoured that we have to try things out for 21 days to break old patterns of behaviour.
  3. Little and often – practice something for just 20 seconds a few times a day. That’s better than not doing it at all and we are generally able to try something out for short periods of time. That way we feel like we’ve succeeded and we’re more willing to try something

So, don’t worry there’s no need to perfect the art of meditation. Mindfulness allows us to continue what we’re doing, but in a more mindful way.

Remember: Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. What one thing is standing in the way of your mindfulness practice?

P.P.S Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!? natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk




Filed under: mind

3 tips for when you’re having a wobble

Are you having a bad day? Perhaps it’s extending to a bad week? Was everything going pretty well and then all of a sudden you wake up and it feels like it’s all gone a bit wrong. Are you having a wobble and does everything feel like a hard slog?

Things can get unexpectedly hard and it’s all the more frustrating when you’ve got no idea why or what’s changed.

It’s ok, you’re not alone. We all go through tough times.

I recently had a few days where everything felt suddenly decidedly wobbly. I started the New Year excited, with lots of energy. Everything appeared to be going smoothly and I was on a roll.

But then out of the blue I woke up and my mood had unexpectedly shifted. I wasn’t sure why or what happened but I felt like my confidence had somehow been knocked.

I blamed the January blue moon ;), but although that did affect many of us, what really helped me was to simply recognise that I was actually having a wobble and that it would pass. I’ve had them before and I’m sure that this won’t be my last one!

Life is full of mixed emotions.

When we learn to embrace them and accept all parts of these emotions, rather than to avoid them, we are able to find ways of dealing with and calming them.

We find that reassuring internal voice to get through to the other side.

Here are 3 tips to help you when you’re having a wobble:

  1. Reach out – Give a friend a call or speak to someone who will listen and give you some support. Let it out. You might feel silly or that it’s nothing, but the longer you hold onto it, the trickier it is to let it go. Ask yourself: ‘Who do I need to spend time with right now that will lift my energy?’
  2. Acceptance – Know that it’s ok to have a wobble. Life has its ups and downs, and we all have them. Give yourself permission to go back to bed or have a few hours off. Don’t always try to push through and hope it will go away. Ask yourself: ‘What do I need right now?’ Not only will you feel better but others will thank you for it too.
  3. Know that it will pass – Nothing is permanent. Everything can change in a moment. Even when everything is going beautifully it is open to change. Things happen. Things get in the way. But don’t let that stop you in your tracks so it feels like the end of the world. Ask yourself: ‘What good things might be just around the corner?’

Remember: Start small and build from there. 

Much love,
Natasha x

P.S. What one thing is causing you to wobble right now? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk


Filed under: mind

How to look after yourself this Valentine’s Day


Are you busy planning what to buy your loved one for Valentine’s Day or are you avoiding it completely because it’s a bit of a stark reminder that you are currently single?

Regardless of your relationship status, tomorrow is an opportunity for you to nurture the most important relationship in your life right now.

The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself :).
It’s the relationship most of us neglect and forget about!

When you nurture this relationship first, all your other relationships will start to flourish. It’s a win-win!

Don’t worry; this isn’t about being selfish and unforgiving.
This is more about looking after yourself so you can share even more with others.

Notice I said share, not give! Most of us are busy giving to everyone else and then wonder why we have nothing left for ourselves.

Putting yourself first isn’t easy for many of us. We are (mostly) taught to put the needs of others before our own and putting ourselves first is considered selfish.

But, always putting others first rarely works.
We’re left running on empty, feeling resentful or completely exhausted.

Sound familiar?

So, what do you do instead? There are a few things you can do right now to put yourself first and nurture yourself. I know it might not be easy and for some of you and it might feel completely alien, but it’s worth giving it a go and see what changes.

  1. Self compassion and kindness – stop giving yourself such a hard time. Go easy on yourself for a bit and know that you’re trying your best. You can’t always get it right. Treat yourself to something you’ve been putting off for a while. It might be something small like an evening in, a hot bath with your book. Or it might be that holiday you deserve.
  2. Self trust and belief – this builds you confidence to know that you have everything you need to work through things right. Believe in yourself and that things are working out. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Often we look back at previous challenges and recognise how, without them, we wouldn’t be where we are today. If you’re experiencing a challenge right now, ask yourself “How might this actually turn out for the best?” Re-write the script.
  3. Self awareness – this allows you to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. We can often see what others need to do but it’s difficult to see it for ourselves. When you look at things from a different perspective new information is revealed to you. Ask yourself “what else might be going on here that will help me to see things differently?”

This is how you start to take responsibility for yourself.
Your well-being and happiness are your responsibility, no one else’s.
That’s how you take back control of your life and what’s important to you.

You feel empowered to create the changes you want and find new ways of doing things that feel easier, more in flow and more fun.

Not only do you benefit but everyone around you benefits as well.

Happy Valentine’s Day lovely people
Enjoy nurturing the relationship with yourself

Remember: Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. What one thing can you do for yourself right now to nurture your relationship with yourself? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!? natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk


Filed under: mindMindfulness

3 Ways to Allow Contentment


Are you busy always trying to achieve something in life which means you’ll be happy when you succeed?

Would you love for things to get easier so that you can feel more content?

This week a friend asked me ‘How do I allow contentment?’ It got me thinking.

First of all what does contentment even mean? Contentment means the state of being contented, satisfied; it’s an ease of mind.

In a world where everyone is searching for happiness there seems to be something missing.

In seeking happiness, for me, it feels like we’re looking for something external to make us happy. “I’ll be happy when…. I find the perfect job, when my noisy neighbours leave, when my partner shows me more love…..”

“I’ll be happy when I ………” You fill in the dots.

So, happiness seems to be slightly out of our reach. Happiness lies at some point in the future.

Perhaps the missing link is contentment. Being ok with where you are right now, allowing things to change and go with the flow or learning to let go of the ‘doing’ and rather learn how to start ‘being’.

After all, we are Human Beings not Human Doings!

In that space of ‘being’ it feels like contentment is possible right here, right now.

Contentment is softer than happiness and it’s a peaceful place to be.
It’s serene, it’s safe, it’s gentle and it’s full of kindness for yourself and others.

Here are 3 tips to start allowing contentment.

  1. Recognise the smaller moments of joy – What’s going on right now around you that makes you smile? Perhaps kids playing, the sound of music or the birds singing, blue skies, an unexpected message from a friend?
  2. Let go of the things that don’t matter – We hold on to so much that, in the big scheme of things, don’t really matter. Ask yourself, will I still be holding onto this tomorrow, next week, next year? Start to let go of things sooner.
  3. Get in flow – Nothing is the same moment to moment and everything is always changing. That’s not often comfortable. Allow yourself, for today, to go with the flow and see whatever shows up and what happens. You might just ease through the day more content.

Remember: Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. What one thing is standing in your way of being content right now? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!? natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

P.P.P.S I’m really excited as the launch of my Ebook get closer “The Mindfulness Gap – Get Unstuck and Live Your Life Purpose in 7 Simple Steps”. Watch this space for your opportunity to download your free copy soon x


Filed under: Blog Newsmind

Have you been busy setting up New Year’s resolution this last week? Promised to go on a diet, quit smoking, cut out caffeine or sugar, spend less money or leave the job that drives you to distraction? Or perhaps this is the year that you’re no longer going to be single?

I’m not a fan of resolutions. I never make them.
Bear with me, and I’ll explain why….

Quite often resolutions are about saying no or denying yourself of something.

That’s why resolutions can feel like hard work! We’re waiting for that moment when we can stop sacrificing what we’ve given up and get back to normal.

Resolutions therefore tend to be relatively short lived and we soon slip back into our old ways and habits.

So what do you do instead? You become really clear on what you DO want.

This is about creating a different life for yourself longer term. One that you can get excited about and one that is lasting.

With continuous new action that feels good, you will create new habits that work better for you and will be life changing.

Make this the year that you start saying YES to what you want your life to be like!

So, Say YES to a healthier lifestyle, moving more, eating better, hydrating your body or simply respecting your body and all it does for you. Or, say YES to a job you love, waking every morning excited about your day, being kinder to yourself and others. Say YES to having a healthy savings account, beautiful holidays, your dream car, spoiling the people you love to spend time with. Say YES to confidence, self care, self love. Say YES to small random acts of kindness to others and make their day. Say YES to living YOUR dreams (not someone else’s) and SAY YES to your purpose.

Say YES to YOU

When you put yourself first and say yes to you, you’ll find yourself moving more naturally towards what you want as you take action in new and different ways.

And as a result you’ll move away from what you didn’t want in the first place.

Here are 5 things to get you started saying YES to YOU 

  1. Set an intention. Ditch the resolutions and instead set yourself an intention stating what you DO want. Start with 1 or 2 so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
  2. Get specific. When do you want these intentions by? What do the finer details of your intention look like? How will you know when you get there?
  3. Be creative. Write it in the present tense, as though you’ve already achieved it. This way you know it’s a possibility. Be clear about how you feel when you’ve achieved your goal too.
  4. Make it visible. Get out your post-it notes and write down your intention. Stick it somewhere you will see it every day…in the kitchen or on the bathroom cabinet. Be proud of your intention.
  5. Affirm it. Say your intention out loud every time you look at it. The more you say it the more you will know it’s possible and the quicker you’ll get there.

Remember: Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. What two things do you want to start saying YES to? What have you been putting off lately? Who do want to be and what do you want your life to look like? This is the year to start putting these things into action so you can have the life you truly want.

P.P.S Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!? natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk



Filed under: Happinessmind

Spreading a little Christmas joy!

So how are you feeling about Christmas? Excited or a little bit stressed and overwhelmed with everything you’ve got to do?

This year, I’m excited! Excited about spending time with family and friends but also very happy to be taking more than 2 weeks off for a well earned break. I’m looking forward to long walks, log fires and reading, all accompanied by good food and fine wine.

It’s been an amazing year but also somewhat busy!

I’ll let you into a little secret: I’ve recently banned the word busy from my vocabulary and it’s amazing how that has created more space in my life. No one else is allowed to use it either, but perhaps I’ll tell you more about that in another newsletter next year 😉

I’ve had some amazing achievements this year especially in my business.

I’ve reached so many people and supported them in transforming their lives.

I’ve trained more than 100 coaches on how to get their own practices up and running

Finally, I’ve run numerous workshops spreading the wonders of Mindfulness!

Celebrating our successes isn’t something many of us find easy. I certainly don’t find it easy, but I’m getting better at it, which is why I’m sharing it here!

I’m also excited about 2018 as I get ready to launch The Mindfulness Gap.

This will make Mindfulness more accessible to you all. There will be an E-book in the New Year and as well as an online training programme with group support later on. I can’t wait to share it with you all….So watch this space.

But for now it’s time for a rest… so I’ll see you next year with some more of my simple tips and tools to keep you going through the New Year.

Here are 3 Tips to Remember whether you’re feeling excited or overwhelmed

  1. Reflection. Spend a little time reflecting on this past year. What have you achieved? Also acknowledge the not so good times but recognise what you’ve learned from them.
  2. Celebrate. Mark all those successes in some way. Don’t dismiss them, be proud of what you’ve accomplished. You deserve to recognise and reward yourself for them. Treat yourself to that thing you’ve wanted for a while, share it with someone who will be thrilled for you or toast yourself quietly with a glass of bubbles.
  3. Visualise. Spend some time looking at what you’d like to achieve for 2018. Be bold, dream bigger and know that you can have anything you want. All you have to do is believe that it’s a possibility. Success isn’t reserved for the few, it’s for everyone to taste, you’ve just got to be bold and get out there to claim it!

Perhaps 2018 might just be your most exciting year yet!

Remember: Start small and build from there.

Happy Christmas everyone

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. Have fun over the festive season!

P.P.S. As a present to you I’m offering a 15% discount to the 1st 2 lucky people who sign up to A Mindfulness Gap Programme before 21st December. Reply by email with your mobile number to apply as places will be strictly limited to start in January. natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

3 things to try if you’re not loving what you do


Do you love what you do?  Do you wake up in the morning excited to get going and are buzzing after a great day?

Or do you feel exhausted at the thought of all that you’ve got to do? Does everything feel like a slog? Perhaps you feel like you’ve got to get your head down and there’s just no time to have any fun! 

I trained 28 people over 2 days last week and I loved every minute of it!

Don’t get me wrong I had to overcome my own fears at training such a big group, which I’d never done before. 

And yes I was pretty exhausted at the end of the 2 days. 

But I was also buzzing at the end of it.  

And it really made me realise how much I love what I do. Seeing how people can do things differently and step into change. 

Just 18 months ago I co-hosted my first ever 2 hour workshop for only 6 people. I’d never done anything like that before. 

That’s how it started: saying yes to something I’d never done before. Getting out of my comfort zone and doing something that I had no skills or experience doing. 

I woke up on the first day of this latest training and set the intention that we would have fun, despite being such a big group. 

And I did have fun. There was energy in the room, there was creativity and there was excitement to learn new skills and use these skills to move forward. 

Here are 3 things to try if you don’t quite love what you do. (And one of them isn’t to leave your job and walk away!)

  1. Say yes to something new. What could you say yes to today that you’ve never done before? What might you be really good at, that you haven’t even contemplated yet
  2. Don’t let fear stop you. There are probably a few things that you haven’t got the skills for. Yet. If an opportunity comes up, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.
  3. Set an intention. These are different to goals. What’s missing from your work right now? Is it fun, spontaneity, collaboration, support? Go to work today and intend that it will show up in one form or another. But be sure notice it when it does 😉

Love what you do and do what you love. 

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. What 1 thing would change everything about what you do? It might be that this one thing shifts everything for you and you start to love what you do again! Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!? natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk


Filed under: Blog Newsmind

Do you have certain goals and ambitions but haven’t quite managed to achieve them yet? Do you get stuck in wondering how on earth you will get there so you never quite get started?

Perhaps you need to know every step in the journey before you’ll take any action at all?

That’s how we get stuck exactly where we are, with no idea how to move forward.

What if I said there are infinite ways you can achieve any goal?
The trouble is, you’re not always able to see them straight away.

We can waste precious energy and time trying to work out every single step along the way. 

But we can’t possibly know what will present itself after we’ve taken the first step and every step after that. Each step can take us in a slightly different direction that we hadn’t even thought of yet. 

Taking one small step forward will create the momentum you need to push you further.

Ask yourself, ”Why do I want to get there?”, rather than asking yourself, “How will I get there?”

This is a much more powerful question and when we understand why we want it, we become far more motivated to achieve it. 

So what can you do? Firstly, get clear about these 3 things:

  1. Why you want it. If you don’t really want something or you’re not clear on why you want it, then you’ll have no motivation to achieve it. Ask yourself if your goal excites you?
  2. What you will gain. Notice I said ‘you’. This is not about doing something to please someone else. Is this goal really yours? Or is someone else’s?
  3. What you’re willing to let go of in order to achieve your goal. When we shift into something new we will always lose a little bit of what we’ve left behind. But, will the rewards be greater? 

Then take just one step. Any step.  And be willing to take a ‘wrong’ step. But do take it!

Yes, there’s a risk involved. 
But isn’t it a greater risk not to start at all? 

After all, as Albert Einstein said, “the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”

That includes taking no action at all. Over and over again. 

If what you’re currently doing isn’t getting you closer to your current goal, then isn’t it worth taking that risk and trying a new approach?  

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. What do you truly want but are not moving any closer to? Do something differently. You’ll get a different result. I promise. 

P.P.S Reach out by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!  natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk


Filed under: Blog Newsmind

Are you facing constant challenges at the moment? Does everything feel like an uphill struggle? Or are you completely overwhelmed and can’t make a decision one way or the other?

When we are faced with challenges and problems we can sometimes stay stuck in that challenge or problem, without seeing a possible way out to change it.

But there’s always a solution hiding within.
So, where is that solution? Why is it being so elusive?!

It’s likely we are ignoring it and therefore not noticing what’s right in front of us. Or perhaps we think it’s up to someone else to fix it.

When we take a step back, we can create a space to reflect and ask ourselves different questions. That way we can gain a bit of clarity and start to explore ways of moving beyond the current situation and towards a more positive outcome.

These are 3 things I always ask myself when I’m feeling challenged:

1. What can I learn from this right now? It might be that you explore when this challenge started so you recognise the sign next time it come around and you can find a different way to approach it. Or perhaps you have gained some new skills along the way that means you’ll appreciate the experience further down the line.

2. What are the opportunities? What positive outcome might come of this? Maybe this challenge actually brings you closer towards something you do want. When one door closes, another always opens.

3. What am I missing? When we are focused on the problem or the challenge that’s all we can see. What is it you’re not seeing? Take a step back from where you’re standing. What are you not seeing, recognising or understanding? What possible solution exists to move you forward? Trust yourself that you have the resources to turn it around.

Get your journal out, or take a notepad and start answering these questions for yourself. Or better yet ask a friend to help you out and start asking you these questions to help you see some solutions. Perhaps do it over a glass of wine…

Remember their role is to ask you questions, not to find the solutions for you 🙂

Remember: Start small and build from there.

Much love,
Natasha x

P.S. What one problem or challenge are you faced with right now? How can you start to look at this from a different perspective? Take a step back from it and what do you see going on?

P.P.S Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!


Filed under: Blog Newsmind

6 Simple Ways to Beat the Winter Blues


Are you dreading the clocks going back and the days getting even shorter? Are you wishing away time and already longing for spring to return? Are you dreading the long commute in the dark? Do you feel like you want to start hibernating rather than gearing up for the Christmas season?

Last week I gave a workshop on Beating the Winter Blues and it was interesting to hear how these feelings are already setting in.

I love the autumn season. It’s a beautiful time of the year, with the changing colours, and the crisp, colder days with blue skies. But I also love being outdoors so the shorter days, for me, mean that I’m loosing valuable time outside. So, I’m already starting to feel a sense of dread now that the evenings are drawing in

So, what are the Winter Blues? They are closely linked to SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and how the changing seasons affect us. So it doesn’t happen only in Winter; it can happen at any time of year. Perhaps we just feel it more as winter approaches, when we have less exposure to daylight and this in turn can affect our hormone levels.

And what are the symptoms of the Winter Blues? They can appear in the form of low mood and feeling down, lethargy, irritability, sleep problems, losing interest in things, feeling unsociable and also over eating.

These symptoms can appear at any time, but when they are severe or prolonged, then it’s time to take action!

Better yet, take action today, so that you can keep these symptoms completely at bay.

Here are 6 tips that you can easily implement:

  1.  Slow Down – this is the time of year to start slowing down, even though it can feel like things are speeding up. So take some breaks. When we slow down, and stop multitasking (which we can’t really do), we gain focus and clarity. This way we actually get more done, and we’re more productive.
  2. Get outside – get as much daylight as you can. Stand outside for 5 minutes before you head into work, get out for a walk at lunchtime, and try and get out again before you leave work and it’s dark. It will give you a little break so you can slow down too.
  3. Breathing – taking a few slightly deeper, fuller breaths several times a day (or more often!) will help in lots of ways. We all breathe, but most of us do it badly! Breathing more fully has so many amazing benefits. It gives us a boost of energy, relaxes and calms us and allows us to become more focused so we can get on with the tasks at hand with a bit more clarity.
  4. Plan something fun – have something to look forward to. Perhaps a holiday, or a weekend away. If you can’t manage that, plan a day out in the countryside or catch up with friends that make you laugh. Is there a hobby that you want to start up again, or something new your want to try? Do something new and exciting.
  5. Eat healthy – eat more leafy greens like kale, spinach or chard. They contain important folates which help with depression, insomnia and fatigue. Also introduce whole grains such as oats, brown rice and buckwheat, which contain B vitamins and are good for fighting stress. Lastly, try and reduce your sugar intake. 
  6. Gratitude & Staying Positive – reminding yourself what’s good in your life can quickly shift your mood. Write 3 things down every day that you are grateful for. It can be the big things in life- a roof over your head, your family, or your job. But don’t forget the smaller things too – a kind word from a colleague, a smile from a stranger, getting out in nature, spending time with those you love.

You don’t have to do them all. What’s important is to make a start with one thing. See how it feels and if it’s easy to do, you’ll do more of it without thinking.

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

P.S.  Are you already feeling the winter blues? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S Reply by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!




Filed under: Blog NewsLiving

How far can a little kindness go?

How often do you show random acts of kindness? Do you give strangers a warm smile as you pass? How about really acknowledging other people’s achievements? Do you notice when someone needs a little encouragement or needs a hug or gentle touch that says a thousand words?

Showing kindness to others might be easy. Or perhaps not! Do you sometimes find yourself giving others a hard time? And then feel bad about it and so, end up giving yourself a hard time in return?

Kindness and love don’t have to be given in big gestures. Merely acknowledging someone can have a deep impact on their day.

When I go into a shop and buy something, I always acknowledge the person working there and genuinely asking them: ‘How are you?’

This is sometimes met with surprise and I wonder how many times that person has asked strangers that same question and been met by indifference or been ignored.

In a world where we are connected to everyone and everything, we often ignore the people who are directly around us. This leaves us feeling disconnected and invisible.

And what about you? How kind are you to yourself? Do you often recognise your successes in a day or do you focus on everything you didn’t do perfectly?

What is the conversation you are having with yourself? Is it mostly kind? I’m guessing not, and this is something we all struggle with, myself included.

So today, why not show 3 acts of kindness and have a big impact on yourself and others?

Here are some suggestions – and remember to have fun!

1. Give someone a hug. Hugging is good. I love hugging. It releases endorphins and is proved to relieve feelings of depression. Wrap someone in a warm hug and feel the love.  Make sure it lasts at least 20 seconds to get the full effects.

2. Pay someone a compliment. We all love to hear how well we’re doing. Tell a work colleague or your partner, or your kid, how you appreciate what they’re doing. Get them to recognise their own strengths. It lights people up and motivates them!

3. Show yourself some kindness too. This is the most important one I feel. It starts within. If you’re kinder to yourself it makes sense you’re kinder to others. Notice the conversation you’re constantly feeding yourself. We all have it. Start a journal and notice what you’re telling yourself. Would you speak to others in the same way? Start writing words of encouragement instead. Notice your own strengths and successes. They are there. You just have to look a little closer.

Watch what happens….

What do you notice change in that moment when you extend kindness to others (or yourself). Do they soften? Do they accept a compliment, or do they try to dismiss it? Do they respond with a light touch of thanks that says more than words? Do you see something, perhaps gratitude, in their eyes?

And what happens when you show yourself kindness? Do you feel better? Does the dark cloud lift a little? Do you see the light at the end of the tunnel? Does it motivate you?

Remember: Start small and build from there.

P.S. Be sure to notice the impact a small gesture of kindness has on you and on others. Write these changes in your journal and see how things progress the more you do it 🙂

Spread love and kindness today. We can all recognise the world needs more of it right now.

P.P.S. Reply to me by email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!


Filed under: Blog NewsHappiness

Reconnect to your Essential Self

Is your life moving so fast that you ignore physical pain or your general well-being in order to simply get through the day?

Perhaps you are trying to live up to the expectations of others, or perhaps you are just hard on yourself.  And maybe you don’t have enough time in your day to really give that any thought!

If this sounds like you, then there has never been a better time to STOP than right now!

I’d like to invite you to take one day out of your busy schedule for a much-needed reset.  This retreat-style workshop is all about reconnecting to your essential self.  

What is ‘the Essential Self’?

Our essential selves are those integral parts of us that we can hear when we are still and quiet enough.  Our intuition, our inner compass, and all of our passions, goals and those things that make us…well, US!

The trouble is that our increasingly fast-paced world is getting louder and faster all the time, making it harder for us to stay connected to our essential self.  We end up getting swept along with the crowd, following the expectations of our family and society, while our essential selves get left behind.

So I want to help you find your way back.  By reconnecting you can get back what you have been missing; that purpose, inner guidance and direction for your life.  Learn to trust your own instinct again, and start feeling at home in yourself.

The Workshop

In this 1 day workshop you will learn to:

– Create a connection between mind & body
– Overcome feelings of self-doubt
– Quieten the overactive mind
– Get back in touch with what’s important to you
– Create ‘ME’ time
– Re-connect with your Passion

We will be using a variety of techniques; including breathing exercises, guided meditations, mindfulness, and lots of fun group activities.  The group size is limited to 18 places, so this will be an intimate and relaxing setting.

When, Where and How to Book

Hosted by: Natasha Harris & Angela Allen 
When: Saturday, 21st October 2017, 10.30am-5pm
Where: Neal’s Yard Therapy Rooms, 2 Neal’s Yard, Covent Garden, WC2H 9DP
Price: Early Bird Tickets from £65
Book herehttp://bit.ly/Re-Connect ***spaces limited to 18 people***

I hope you are able to join us for this very special day!


Filed under: Blog NewsWell Being

life's big questions

Do you find yourself asking some of these questions: What else is there to life? What’s my purpose in this seemingly crazy world? How do I know if I’m making the right choices? Why do I feel so alone right now? Why does life feel like such a struggle sometimes, when I have so much?

Do you find yourself asking these kinds of questions after a tough week at work, or an argument with someone close to you? Or are these questions in one form or another always on your mind? 

These are the bigger questions in life and I hear more people asking them.

Many of us are searching for answers and meaning. 

I realise that the question around ‘Where do I belong?’ is something that I’ve been asking myself for a long time. Living in London, we are surrounded by almost ten million people, yet many of us feel completely disconnected and not part of a community. As a result of technology we are more connected than ever before. No matter where we are in the world, everyone is instantly reachable. 

So why do we still feel alone??

Belonging is something that’s really important for me – my family, my friends, colleagues and being part of my immediate community. Ultimately, being surrounded by people that share similar values and ideas to me is how I thrive in this huge city I call home. 

What about you? How do you thrive?

Here are 3 tips that will help if you ask yourself these types of questions and aren’t sure where to find the answers…. 

  1. Do something in your community. Volunteer, help out a neighbour, join a local community group. Start to get to know the people who live around you. 
  2. Make a decision. Don’t avoid making a choice because you are overwhelmed by the  infinite choices that are available to you. By not deciding you are staying stuck, but that is still a choice for you to make. 
  3. Change one thing today. As humans we thrive on change. But we are creatures of comfort and many of us fear change. Yet, when things change or we challenge ourselves just a little we start to feel alive again. 

Who do you want to be? 

Start asking yourself some questions. Start taking a small step towards understanding who you are, what you want and where you’re going. When you get some clarity around this you can start to take some new action and life will start to change dramatically!

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S.  What bigger lifelong questions do you find you’re asking yourself? Stay curious to what questions are coming up and see where the answers take you. Open the door – there’s nothing to lose!

P.P.S Reply to this post in the comments below – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!



Filed under: Blog NewsHappiness


Are you avoiding something at the moment? Are you fooling yourself about it and hoping the problem might go away? Perhaps it feels easier when you’re burying your head in the sand a little?

We are all guilty of ignoring things we don’t want to face and we can become really good at fooling ourselves. I know I have!

 By seeing things as you want to see them it helps you to make sense of what’s going on. 

But it’s not always helpful. In fact it rarely ever is!  You don’t see things as they really are and you miss things that are right in front of you.

It usually festers and becomes a much bigger issue than if you’d addressed it to start with. 

So why do we do it?!?

Wouldn’t you rather deal with things so you can move on?

I now try to look at things differently and be curious about what I might not be seeing, what I’m ignoring or what I’m fooling myself about. I don’t always get it right, but I’m better at spotting it before it becomes a problem in my life.

So, try my 4 simple tips to stop avoiding something so you can move on quicker:

  1. Time.  Give yourself 10 minutes to explore what you’re fooling yourself about and perhaps you can see there’s an alternative way out and it’s not so scary after all 🙂
  2. Curiosity.  What might you be ignoring? Start to become aware of what you are fooling yourself about.Acknowledge it for a moment and give it a bit of attention. How you feel about will start to change… 
  3. Look at it with a fresh pair of eyes. What are you missing or haven’t you noticed before? Is there something else going on that might offer a solution.
  4. Let go. What assumptions are you making? Ask different questions so you gain more clarity about what might actually be happening.

Remember:  Start small and build from there. 

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S.  What one thing are you ignoring right now? By doing something different you will start to find a solution that works for you. Give it a go, what have you got to lose?

P.P.S I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!

Reach me at natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk


Filed under: Blog Newsmind

akashic readings

Do you find yourself stuck in the same patterns over and over? Do you continuously attract the wrong kinds of people in your life, and find yourself in unhealthy relationships? Are you always broke? Or do you find yourself in jobs you hate?

There’s so much information out there about how to change your patterns of behaviour. Perhaps you’ve tried CBT, Counselling, Mindfulness, or Coaching.

But, you’re still stuck and you feel powerless to create the changes you want, despite knowing what you ‘should’ be doing differently.

Perhaps there’s a deeper ‘knowing’ that what’s holding you back comes from something older, something deeper than just your current life situation. Perhaps this pattern feels like it doesn’t even ‘belong’ to you.

Let’s look at the bigger picture – what is your soul trying to tell you?

Every choice we make holds energy. In fact, energy can’t die, it can only change. So what happens to the energy of that choice we’ve made in this lifetime? And how about from a past lifetime? Where is it stored and held?

You may have heard of the Akashic Records, or “The Book of Life”. This is where every choice, from past and present lives, are recorded. It’s literally the book of YOUR life.

Your Akashic Record holds information about who you are at Soul Level. Having access to this deep level of information about yourself, you suddenly become very clear on the steps you need to take so that you can become perfectly aligned to who you truly are.

We can also uncover useful things about your Soul’s journey through all your lifetimes to discover what’s still energetically holding you back. When we clear the energy that’s still holding you back from previous past life experiences, you can let go of current unhelpful patterns of behaviour.

You start manifesting the life you are here to experience.

It’s my belief that we are not here to experience hardship in our life. So why can life still feel like a struggle? We are here to become a true expression of who we are at Soul Level. When we understand the secrets of the Akashic Records and our Soul, there’s no holding us back!

If you are curious to know more about how breaking these patterns of behaviour can truly free you to make new choices and create a new and exciting reality, then get in touch with me.

Filed under: Akashic Records

The Power of Conversation

Do you hate having difficult conversations? Do you find yourself lost for words when you are trying to express how you feel? Do you struggle to speak up and say what you’re truly thinking? Or do you get frustrated when conversations don’t go your way?

In our modern world, I believe we’re loosing the art of communication. We’ve forgotten how to have an honest and empowering conversation face to face. Although technology has its benefits, we have started to hide behind mediums like FaceBook or text messaging in order to communicate.

I never forget the time (in the days I worked in an office) when I got an email from a colleague to ask me if I wanted to have a meeting in 10 minutes. Nothing wrong with that, except she was sitting less than 3 feet away from me! I couldn’t quite believe it!

Not engaging with people has its consequences: We don’t feel seen or heard and we can become lost in our own world where we can feel disengaged and disconnected.

We also begin to fear speaking up and being able to have difficult, but necessary, conversations. We avoid confrontation at all costs and then relationships break down; at home, at work, and with friends.

What if it could be different? And, instead we can learn to speak up, tell others what we are thinking and feeling, and everyone can feel good about it!

Here’s how you can change the quality of conversations:

  1. Avoid technology – Instead of sending a message, pick up the phone and call someone. Arrange a Skype call or catch up for dinner or a coffee so you can enjoy each other’s company!
  2. Truth and Honesty – Start talking from the heart. Speak truthfully and honestly about what’s going on for you. When we are hurt or feel wronged it’s easy to blame someone else for how we feel. Take responsibility for how you are feeling. Others will listen to you rather than feeling they are being blamed.
  3. Listen – We can sometimes be focused on what we want to contribute rather than really listening to what the other person is saying. Next time you are chatting to someone focus on what they are saying so you can respond and the other person feels heard.
  4. Outcome – How would you like the conversation to go? How do you want to feel afterwards? How do you want the other person to feel? Focus on this outcome and your conversation will start to flow in that direction.

All of these points shape the outcome of a conversation. As we get better at having these authentic conversations, we start to see our relationships change for the better. What’s not to like about that?!

 Remember:  Start small. Start having a conversation in a different way. Is there someone that you struggle to communicate more? Your boss, your partner? Your kids? How can you start to have a different conversation with them; one that is more empowering, more honest and one that is focused on moving forward?

 P.S I’d love to hear from you…..



Filed under: Blog NewsLiving

Do you often give yourself a hard time when you’re not feeling great? Do you tell yourself that you shouldn’t be feeling that way? Do you try to ignore how you’re feeling and put on a brave face to those around you? Do you perhaps take it out on someone who doesn’t really deserve it? 

Or, do you feel bad that you are feeling bad?

You’re not alone! I sometimes wake up with a sense of dread at facing my to do list! I feel like I’m racing against the clock and it’s overwhelming. I feel like I don’t always have the energy to face the day and it doesn’t feel good.

When negative emotions shows up, the tendency is to ignore how you are feeling, or to sweep it under the carpet and hope that it might go away. Ignoring how you are feeling generally gives it fuel to continue and make you feel worse. 

So, try these 3 steps and give yourself a break for a few minutes when any negative feelings keep showing up and trying to ruin your day:

  1. Acknowledge – notice exactly how you’re feeling right now. Admit to yourself that you are feeling low and don’t have your usual energy and enthusiasm. 
  2. Accept – it’s ok to feel a bit rubbish. No one has limitless energy and there are times when things are tough. Perhaps there’s something going on and you need time to work though the challenge. 
  3. Allow – give yourself permission to have a bad day. Nothing is permanent and your feelings and emotions are always changing. Know it will pass. Maybe not right now, but perhaps later today or tomorrow. 

We give ourselves a hard time when we’re not feeling great. We are often our own worst critic. 

Notice the internal mind chatter. Are you giving yourself a hard time? Can you be kinder to yourself? After all, kindness starts within :). 

Remember: start small, and build from there. 


Filed under: Blog Newsmind

Are you someone who is always hopeful? Are you hopeful that everything will work out just fine?  Are you hopeful that you’ll meet the perfect partner, or that the perfect job will come your way? How about hoping that someone else will change so that things get a bit less stressful? Or are you hopeful that things will just somehow work out and resolve themselves?

Or are you someone who trusts? Do you have a quiet belief deep down that things are working out perfectly, and so you keep moving yourself towards what you want? Do you know that everything will work out for the best no matter what the current situation?

There is a difference between hope and trust. I often discuss this with my clients, and this is how I define the difference…

Hope, for me, is when we become attached to an outcome that we believe will make us happy. We quietly hope that something somewhere will happen, but we don’t quite believe that things are fully in our control. We continue to hope that some external event(s) will occur and only then will we be able to relax and know that everything will be ok. But if it doesn’t happen we are disappointed and wonder what we did wrong or what we did to deserve disappointment. 

Trust, on the other hand, is an acknowledgement that whatever the outcome, everything will work out perfectly even if we can’t see it right now. In a space of trust we are able to acknowledge our current situation without judgement or worry.  We somehow find ways to improve things and start doing something differently. We know we are fully in control and we keep moving towards our goals or ambitions. We don’t give up, no matter what. We have complete trust in ourselves and that we will get there. 

I recognise that there are some things in my life I just know will happen and there are other things that I hope will happen. 

Guess which things actually happen? When I know and believe something is going to happen, everything I do takes me closer to my goal. I take different actions, I start to do things differently and I become unstoppable!

After all, how can we expect different results by doing the same things over and over?

So what can we do to trust more? Recognising where we are hopeful is the first step.

Ask yourself:

  • What am I hoping for right now? 
  • Where do I keep seeing the same results showing up time and time again?
  • What am I doing right now that might be keeping me stuck?
  • What one (small) thing can I change about the way I am doing things? 

As you start to do things differently you will also start to see different results. As you move forward you will trust more that it will happen, and you will get excited as you quickly see things changing.

Remember Start small. Recognising one thing in our life where we are not achieving the things we hope for is the first step to making a change. How much do you want that outcome? What are you no longer prepared to put up with? What are you willing to change so that you begin to trust it will absolutely happen?


Filed under: Blog Newsmind

3 Easy Mindfulness Exercises You Can Start Today


How often do you get somewhere and wonder, ‘How on earth did I get here?’ Do you remember anything at all about the journey? Were you distracted by what you had to do later, or something that happened earlier? Are you going through life in this way, and wondering how you got to where you are today?
When we stop our minds from wondering off to the past or future, even just for a moment, we create a little bit of space and stillness.

Things appear to slow down a little, and we have successfully created a moment of mindfulness. We have become aware of what’s going on in that very moment.  It is my belief that with this awareness we create a little more control over our situations and can therefore change the outcome. We show up in our own lives, fully engaged.
Here are a few easy exercises that I regularly practice in order to slow things down for just a few minutes. In fact I’m still practicing, but they’ve truly changed my life for the better!! A few minutes is all you need to start with. 

  1. Deep breathing. How deeply do you breathe? My guess is not very deeply at all. Mostly we breathe using only the top part of our lungs, which means that we rarely exchange the air in the bottom parts of our lungs. Taking deeper breaths improves our health, it reduces stress and ensures that all our organs (including the skin) can function optimally.
    We can do this in moments where we are waiting in a queue, for someone to answer the phone, for the kettle to boil or perhaps washing our hands.This really is a simple way to feel better very quickly!
      – Focus on your breathing for one minute.
      – Take 10 breaths in and 10 breaths out without forcing it
      – As you inhale, repeat the word ‘inhale’ to yourself
      – As you exhale, repeat the word ‘exhale’ to yourself
      – This gives the mind something else to focus on
      – And allow your breathing to find its own natural rhythm.You will find that your breathing naturally starts to slow down and you begin to breathe a little more deeply. You will feel calmer and more relaxed .
  2. Mindful walking. On your next walk become aware of what you are doing, how you are feeling and what your surroundings look like. As you spend more time right in the moment, your mind can let go of anything that you might have to do in the future, or things that you are still holding on to from the past.As you walk to your next destination, start to notice a few different things. Does the weight fall evenly through your left and right feet? How do your feet touch the ground? Begin to notice how your body works and feels. Then slowly expand your awareness outwards to your surroundings.  What do you see? What have you walked passed daily and failed to notice? How are you feeling?
  3. Gratitude lists. What are you grateful for? Often it’s the really small things we are most grateful for – a kind word, the smell of coffee, birds singing. In becoming aware of the small things we realise how many great things that happen every single day.At the end of each day, write down 3 things that you are grateful for today. What brought a smile to your face? Perhaps it was the sunshine, the smell of summer rain or spending an evening with a friend who really listened. Perhaps someone said a kind word? Mostly, it’s the really simple things we are the most grateful for. Could you perhaps find 5, 10 or 20 things you are grateful for each day?

    It’s amazing what we can take for granted.

    Start to recognise what you are grateful for as these things are happening too, rather than only at the end of the day…

    A recent study on gratitude 
    by Psychologist Robert Emmons found people who kept a gratitude journal were 25% happier than those who just kept a journal of routine daily.

Remember Start small. Just start with one moment at a time. When you recognise that your mind has wondered then bring your attention back to the moment. Even if that’s just 10 seconds. Giving your mind a rest for 10 seconds is better than nothing.

Start with just a few minutes for each exercise. When you realise your mind has wandered off and become distracted then start again, by bringing your awareness back to this very moment. A few minutes is all you need to start with. As you practice these exercises you will find the one that works best for you, and you will begin to get better at creating more of those spaces.

Something amazing starts to change about the quality of your days and weeks. And then your life. You are less stressed, less anxious, less tired. Instead you find yourself calmer, quieter, directing your life where you choose it to go and becoming more alert with more energy.

If you are interested in working one-on-one with me, then I offer 5 FREE mindfulness coaching sessions every month.  
To reserve a place before they book up, CLICK HERE.

Filed under: Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a hot topic at the moment. But are you still wondering what it’s all about, and how it can benefit you?
Life is busy, and it seems to be getting busier. We seem to be doing things faster than ever before to keep up. And that causes us to get stressed or to feel like we can’t stop, even for a second, to catch our breath. We get carried away with what might be. We can get stressed about all the things we need to get done. We can get stuck in the past and wish it had been different. Perhaps we hope that someone else might change so our life will get a bit easier. Or maybe we get caught in the fantasy about something we cannot control. Sound familiar?
But does it really have to be this way? What about right now, this very moment that we are experiencing? Is that not more important? After all it’s the only thing we have complete control over.
So, what is mindfulness? Mindfulness is bringing our attention to what we are doing right now in this very moment, rather than letting our minds wander off to the past or the future. When we are not mindful we get swept along, not fully engaged in what’s going on, so things just happen to us, and often not in the way we want.
But when we bring our full focus and attention to the present moment we give ourselves choices in the moment, and have an opportunity to powerfully change the way things play out. 
How do I become more mindful? We can make a start by being fully engaged in this moment. The next time you are having a conversation with someone, notice where your attention goes. Does your mind wander off? Are you thinking about what you want to say, or are you focusing on everything the other person is saying? Are you really listening? Are you aware of what’s going on around you? The people, the noises, the smells? How are you feeling?
Every passing moment provides an opportunity for us to be mindful. You can start right now, reading this blog post.
And how will mindfulness make a difference to me? There are so many great benefits to mindfulness. We feel like we are going slower, but we still get things done! We start to let go of the stress and anxiety that so many of us feel on a day to day basis. Our focus becomes sharper. Our relationships with others, and of course ourselves, naturally starts to change for the better too. We experience fewer conflicts and we start to experience more balance. And of course we give our minds a well earned rest!
Who doesn’t want more of that?!
Mindfulness is not something we ‘do’ but it is more a state of ‘being’. As we practice we become more aware of our actions and our reactions to certain people and situations, so that we can change them for the better…..
What happens when I forget and get caught up again in the busyness of everyday life? Sometimes we do fall off the band wagon. But don’t worry, it’s part of the process and it takes some practice.
As soon as you realise that your mind has become distracted, you are being mindful. Simply remind yourself to come back to the present moment. It’s a bit of a cycle. We are mindful. We get distracted. We realise we are distracted. We become mindful again…. and so it continues.
This is how it is for me. And over time I have become quicker and quicker at noticing when I’m mindful and when I’m not.  I’m certainly not perfect at it, but I have definitely got better! I am less stressed and anxious about what I can’t control, I approach things with a calmer attitude and I have better relationships than I have ever had before. I no longer take hours to fall asleep because I can’t switch off. The benefits are endless! Remember Start small. Just start with one moment at a time. When you recognise that your mind has wondered then bring your attention back to the moment. Even if that’s just 10 seconds. Giving your mind a rest for 10 seconds is better than nothing.
If you are interested in working one-on-one with me, then I offer 5 FREE mindfulness coaching sessions every month.  
To reserve a place before they book up, CLICK HERE.


Filed under: Mindfulness

The #1 lesson I’ve learnt about FEAR

Fear isn’t always a bad thing. It can keep us safe and help us avoid pain. But fear can also be a bit sneaky. Do you ever feel that fear holds you back?

Does it creep up on you and stop you in your tracks?
Does fear stop you from doing something?
Does it keep you stuck in the same place?
Does it stop you from being successful – at work, in relationships, at communicating your needs?

We can use fear to our advantage, and when we learn how to deal with it we can keep moving forward. A couple of weeks ago, fear snuck up on me big time! I went downhill mountain biking and it pushed me further than I bargained for. I’m a good mountain biker but I wasn’t prepared for the difficult tracks that lay ahead. I came off the bike in the first 5 minutes, and questioned my ability to keep going. Luckily, I was with someone who encouraged me. But I was faced with a dilemma. I could convince myself that I can’t do it and quit. Or I could face the fear and get back on the bike.

But I learnt something about my fear. The longer I debated this decision, the harder making the decision became. My fear grew from not knowing what to expect. Did I have the skills needed to do this? How much would I hurt myself if I fell again? Was I physically strong enough?

What amazed me was how uncomfortable my mind got with the uncertainty of what was going to happen.

It took real determination to push through the fear, but I got back on the bike and I let go of the fear (a little!). What I soon realised was that my focus and attention had to be in the immediate moment. I really had put Mindfulness to the test! I couldn’t afford to let my mind wonder off – even for a split second. Everything outside that very moment had to melt away.

Fear had no place in that moment either. I had to trust in myself (and the bike) and let go.

There was nothing to do except be in the moment.

So, although I was physically exhausted (and a bit battered!), I gave my mind a complete rest. And I had fun. I got away from the ‘busy’. And I spent a weekend in every moment. Moment to moment.

Fear taught me a lesson: If we allow fear to stop us from doing something then we will always stay in exactly the same place. But once we push through the fear and experience the uncertainty, it’s so much easier the second time around.

Here are some tips to address sneaky fear:

– Try getting comfortable with being uncomfortable – Celebrate your fear – yes, really! Feeling fear means we are getting closer to where we want to be

– Being open to crossing that panic point, knowing that our confidence and ability increases

Push through the fear and the rewards will be greater than you can imagine! My reward was that I felt exhilarated, truly alive, and I felt free on the edge of mountain tops, blown away by the stunning scenery.

Remember: This fear is not based on anything real or anything that is actually going to happen right in this moment that will harm us.

Typically, fear will show up in 1 of 3 ways: Worry, anxiety, or outright panic; Excuse making, avoiding or procrastinating; Resistance to change and staying stuck.

How does fear show up the most for you?

So, your turn! What are you afraid of? Be brave and leave me a comment below!


Filed under: Blog Newsmind

Easy ways to add a little fun to the mix!

Are you caught up in the routine of everyday life? Getting up at the same time, taking the same route to work? Maybe the job you do is repetitive? Or how about having the same old conversations with the same people? 

Do your weekends consist of the same tasks too…. Shopping, dropping the kids off to various parties, a takeaway, a bottle of wine and some early nights to recharge yourself for the following week? 

Does some of this sound familiar? Are you bored, lacking energy, and fed up with doing the same things week in week out??

I know that sometimes I get to the weekend and I’m exhausted from the routine of my week and trying hard to get through my never ending to-do lists! There’s a part of me that wants to put my feet up for the weekend, catch up on sleep and get myself ready for the following week. But I know, what really gets me motivated for the week ahead is being outside, getting exercise, spending time with those that make me laugh and doing something exciting!

Perhaps we are getting a little older with more responsibilities, but we don’t have to give up having fun!

So to avoid getting bored of our day-to-day routines, perhaps we need to remind ourselves how to have fun a little more often! I have started asking myself what am I excited about in the week ahead, and this really helps. 

Ask yourself: 

What things did I used to do that excited me?
What did I do used to do for fun? Or what new things would I like to try?

How about:

– Singing lessons
– A date night with your partner
– An activity break
– Rock climbing
– An art class
– Learn a new skill
– Find a local netball or football team 

Adding some fun will change your perspective, it will give you more energy and you will feel more alive. The routine still exists but you’ll see it with fresh eyes!

Remember: start small, and build from there. 

What would you love to do that will bring back a sense of fun? What haven’t you done in years that you used to love?  
I’d love to hear your plans, so please leave me a comment below.



Filed under: Blog NewsLiving

How to step back when others trigger us

Are someone else’s actions affecting you this week? It might be with your partner, your sibling, a colleague at work, or one of your kids? Are you taking it personally and blaming yourself? Or do feel you’ve done something wrong and are giving yourself a hard time about it? Are you quick to react without giving yourself the time to step back and see what else might be going on?
If you stop for a moment to look at the situation, can you see the bigger picture? When we stop, we give ourselves an opportunity to see a different perspective, and then hopefully take a different course of action to what we usually do.
How do you usually respond to someone? Do you respond in anger? Do you give people the silent treatment? Do you feel guilty? Do you get anxious or stressed? Do you blame yourself? Do you want to fix it? Or do you bury your head and hope it’ll all go away?
So, how can we move beyond this and accept someone’s actions and see that it’s not entirely our own responsibility and that the other person also has to take some of the responsibility for the situation.

  • Firstly, it’s important to be able to take a step back and ask yourself, “What is really going on in this situation? What’s going on for me and what’s going on for the other person?”  
  • Secondly, recognise how we respond is entirely our own choice. Always. 
  • Thirdly, be sure to understand what it is you need in the moment. We can then ask the other person what they may need. 
  • Fourthly, know that you’ve done your best and that you will be ok, even if the other person can’t meet you half way. 

When we jump into a situation out of fear, hurt or rejection, we often do this to satisfy our own needs. Not the needs of the other person involved. You may do it to make yourself feel better.  You might even recognise that you’ve always responded in the same way. You might be trying to justify why you’ve done something. You might be apologising profusely for something you weren’t even aware that you did, or perhaps responding with your own silence.

With practice of the first step, we get better at making different choices for ourselves and thereby changing the outcome of the things we seem to experience over and over again.

I know I’ve got better at noticing when I keep finding myself in similar situations! It’s annoying and really frustrating!! But I’m quicker at recognising which part is my own responsibility and which part is someone else. This empowers me and helps me to make better and better choices in my life.
Remember: start small, and build from there. 
Perhaps note down in a notebook the experiences that you have where you feel things could have gone differently. Hindsight is a wonderful thing – what might you have done differently? How might you do that next time?

Perhaps change one different thing each day this week. The list above are just some ideas; has something else just popped into your head that you could change? Do that!


Filed under: mind

Small Steps Can Lead to Big Changes

Is your life in flow at the moment, or do you feel like something needs to change? Is something standing in your way and stopping you from moving forward?

I have often got to a stage where I begin to feel stuck. I just don’t know which direction to turn, and things are not quite flowing anymore. There are other times when things seem to be going smoothly and everything is moving in the right direction. But there are other times when things feel a bit bumpy and it’s a bit of a rough ride! It feels less than comfortable. I feel frustrated and don’t know quite how to change the situation I’m in.

When life flows, that’s when we feel the most alive, connected and motivated. 

Do you feel like life has stood still a little and you’re not sure what direction to take next? Do you feel you need to shake things up a little in order to get life moving again? But you have no idea where to start?

It doesn’t always have to be difficult. Taking a small step towards doing something differently can significantly change things. Perhaps we realise that the things we’ve been doing repetitively until now are not doing us any good. Or the person that brings us down is no longer someone we want to spend so much time with.  Or the job we do day in, day out, gives us no joy what so ever.

Well the good news is that we don’t have to move to a different country, ditch our friends, or walk away from the job that gives us stability! Though we can do all of these things, we can also take smaller steps towards creating a more positive change in our lives, leaving us feeling more content, connected and heading in a different direction.

I’m sure you are asking what these things are! Well, here are a few tips but they are by no means exhaustive. We are all unique, and what works well for one person will not work very well for another. So the trick here is to try a couple and see what works, or what elements of it work for us.

Here are a few things to try out each day this week.
Pick one and see which one feels good.
– Change your morning route to work
– Do a different form of exercise
– Book a day off work
– Change the position of something at home, a coffee table or an ornament
– Wear something you haven’t worn in ages
– Cook something you’ve never cooked before
– Spend time with someone who you know will make you feel good
– Watch an uplifting or inspiring programme
– Change something about your weekend routine, perhaps try something new
– Go to a different cafe to buy your coffee or lunch
– Do something that challenges you just a little
– Learn something new today

What else might you change about your daily routine?

Over time we create our own unique set of tools that help us when life throws a curve ball. With practice we get better at catching them and putting them down gently rather than allowing them to knock us off our feet.

I know I’ve got better at noticing when I’m feeling a bit stuck. I have a few great tools which I know work really well for me, and each time I can create that change just a little bit quicker!

Remember: start small, and build from there.
Perhaps change one different thing each day this week. The list above are just some ideas.  Has something else just popped into your head that you could change? Do that!


Filed under: HappinessLivingmind

How to Become Friends with our Emotions

What if we could forge a deeper understanding with our emotions? How might we navigate through life with our emotions, rather than trying to be rid of them or avoid them?

I was recently chatting to a dear friend about her yoga practice. She finally realised that her hip problem just wasn’t going away, and it was time to give it some well deserved attention. She came to the conclusion that during her yoga practice she needed to stop striving for that ‘perfect’ yoga position, start listening to what her body needed and in the process leave her ego at the door.

This left me with a very clear, and amusing, image of our dear friend, Mr Ego, being firmly told: ‘Sorry mate, you’ll just have to sit this one out until I’ve finished my class!’  He was definitely a bit sulky, arms crossed with a brooding face.

It took some courage to leave him there, but I also saw how his mood wasn’t permanent, and that he’d get over it! Slowly he’ll get used to being left there. Especially when he realises he’s always collected on the way out.

How powerful then would it be if we really listened to what our emotions have to say, and could reassure them that they’ve been heard?

How about sadness, for example: What if instead of shutting her out, we invited her in for a cuppa when she comes knocking. We could have a good old chat and reach a conclusion that satisfies us both. After all she appears in order to show us something. She has something to say and she wants to be listened to and heard. Who are we to deny her?

Isn’t that what we do when we upset a friend? We don’t (usually) slam the door in their face. We invite them in, we chat, we discuss, we conclude and we move on. If we don’t resolve an argument we could end up festering on it. It might ruin our day and possibly our week, if we refuse to let go of the pain or anger of that experience.

It’s my experience, when I ignore my emotions they get a bit frustrated and tend to just bang louder. They might disappear for a while but when they come back, they bring their mates. Fear, anger, stress……

Perhaps writing allows you connect to that emotion better?
Ask it some questions… 
What does it want?
What does it have to say to you?
What could you do to quieten it?

Remember: start small, and build from there.
Perhaps just notice which emotion knocks the loudest for you… Is it anxiety, frustration, fear or something else?

Filed under: Happiness

How to start saying ‘no’ to others

Are you someone who struggles to say no to others?  You’re certainly not alone! There was a time when I used to quickly say yes to pretty much everyone and everything! Even if it was something I didn’t want to do. I somehow felt by saying no I would be letting someone down, or worse, I’d miss out on something!

When we say yes to something that we really don’t want to do, we may be acting because we fear something. Fear that someone will judge us, react badly towards us, or may no longer like us. There may be a number of different reasons why we may not be willing to say no.

So consider these points:

Firstly, what happens to us when we say yes out of the fear of something happening?  We may become resentful, angry, stressed, overwhelmed, or exhausted from always stretching ourselves too thinly and not putting ourselves first for a change.

Secondly, how might saying yes affect the other person? Are we empowering them to do it for themselves, and do we trust that they can do it alone? It may be that we are denying them the learning from trying something new. Or perhaps we are just not the right person to help them in the first place.

I believe it is possible to SAY NO to someone with kindness, knowing you are doing it in your own best interests and also in the interests of the person you are saying no to!

Start with this one simple question to yourself before saying yes or no to something:

“Do I really want to do this?” 
If the answer is NO then ask yourself:
“How will saying yes truly help the other person?”

When I ask myself this question I give myself the permission, and the strength, to say no. As a result I’m happier, more fulfilled and still saying yes to loads of things.  But I’m only saying yes to the things I love doing!!

As we start to help others from a place of willingness, commitment and joy, we can instead be assured that we are doing so in the best interests of everyone involved. I can be sure I’m happy and so are the people I’m saying yes to 🙂

Remember: start small, and build from there.
If saying no doesn’t feel comfortable yet, start to recognise how many things you are saying yes to! Saying no will follow soon……

Filed under: HappinessLiving

Feel More Motivated to Start Your Day!

Do you struggle to get up in the morning and get motivated to start your day? Are you dreading the day ahead and would you rather wake up feeling more energised and raring to go?

I never used to like getting up in the mornings and I liked them even less over the winter months. Now that the days are getting a bit longer and the mornings are brighter it certainly helps me get motivated in the morning.

This winter I found that I didn’t dread getting up quite as much as I used to, even with the dark mornings.

I found that these 3 things I am going to share with you have really helped me to feel more positive and also to feel more motivated about my day. I practice these 3 things before I even get out of bed.

This is how I feel more ready to start my day:

1. Express Appreciation. I wake up each morning and express appreciation for something in my life… no matter how bleak the day ahead seems there’s always something to be grateful for. Perhaps it’s waking up in a warm bed, or your health, your partner or your work.

2. Feel Excited. You have no idea how the day will unfold. Repeat to yourself 3 times that you are excited about the day ahead. Something unexpected might happen that might make you smile. Be prepared to be surprised during your day.

3. Think Positive. Have one positive thought about something you will be doing today. Perhaps you’ll be speaking to or seeing someone later that you know will lift your mood.

Remember: Have some fun with …… Try out variations of things so that they feel easy for you. Make it your own!


Filed under: HappinessLivingMindfulness

How to Slow Down and Get More Done!

get more done

Do you sometimes arrive somewhere, and wonder ‘How on earth did I get here?’
I know I do and hardly remember anything at all about the journey. I was either distracted by what I had to do later, or I was lost in something I was doing earlier. We can sometimes go through life in this way: a little bit distracted or lost and wondering how we got to where we are today.

But when we stop, even just for a moment to notice our surroundings we create a little bit of space. In that space, things appear to slow down a little and we can see a little bit clearer. We start to recognise what might actually be going on in that very moment. We show up engaged and ready.

But how do I slow down, you ask? You are busy. You are really busy. You’re juggling many things: work, family, children and life in general. Surely there’s no time to slow down!?

What if I said that slowing down doesn’t mean you get less done, it can actually mean you get MORE done!

By introducing one (or more) of these 3 easy and simple tips to your daily routine, you will start to feel calmer and more relaxed in a matter of minutes. You will feel more in control and on top of things. You can spend as little as 2-3 minutes on each.

1. Take a few deep breaths
How deeply do you breathe? My guess is not very deeply at all. Mostly we breathe using only the top part of our lungs, which means that we rarely exchange the stale, older air in the bottom parts. Breathing properly improves our health, reduces stress and helps our organs to function optimally. This really is a simple way to feel better very quickly!

Take a few deep breaths. Is it easier to breathe in or out? Can you feel your body relaxing with each cycle? What else do you notice?

2. Write a daily gratitude list
What are you grateful for? Often it’s the really small things we are most grateful for – a kind word, the smell of coffee, birds singing. In becoming aware of the small things we realise how many great things that happen every single day!

Write down 3 things that you are grateful for each day for the next 7 days. What especially brought a smile to your face?

3. Listen and give your full attention
How often do you actually feel heard? In conversations with friends and colleagues, we sometimes only listen partly. We can quickly become distracted by our own thoughts, and we quickly claim we know exactly what they mean.  Sound familiar?

Next time you are having a chat with someone, notice how much you actually hear. Give them your full attention and be curious. Ask questions, rather than sharing your own thoughts and feelings about the situation. How differently does that person respond when you really hear them?

Remember: start small, and build from there. There’s no rush!
You only need to spend 2-3 minutes on each.

Filed under: mindMindfulness

3 tips for when you are constantly overthinking


Do you find yourself always overthinking? Does your mind never seem to stop or rest? Are you constantly thinking about all the things you’ve got to do? Or are you going over and over something that has already happened and that you cannot change?

When my clients explain to me all the different directions their minds go, what I hear often is “I must sound crazy!”

What I tell each of them is that they are not alone. We all have the inner dialogue and constant mind chatter. But what I have realised is that mostly the conversation in our heads is critical and rarely positive.

What we can do though, is learn to quieten and calm our internal voice so that we don’t get so caught up or lost in it.

So how do we start to be kinder to ourselves? I’m sure we could all do with a bit of that!

Try these 3 tips to soften the internal chatter, feel calmer and less anxious but also to be more aware of what’s going on in the present moment.

1. Become aware of the internal chatter. The first thing is to stop for a moment and become aware of the dialogue we are telling ourselves. Notice if it’s kind or critical. By making ourselves aware of the chatter we can start to slow it down.

2. Be Kinder to yourself. Start by giving yourself a few words of encouragement. Perhaps tell yourself you’ll get through this challenging time, that you’ll feel differently tomorrow, or that you are allowed to feel upset but it will pass. Remember nothing is permanent.

3. It’s ok to make mistakes. We all get it a little wrong sometimes. Perhaps we could have done something differently but by recognising this we give ourselves the opportunity to do it differently next time and learn from past experiences.

Remember: Start small, there’s no hurry….Take a break from the constant mind chatter for just one minute today.

Much love,

Natasha x

P.S. Which of these 3 tips helped you become more aware of what’s going on around you right here right now? I’d love to hear how you are getting on…… Reply to this email if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! Or email me Natasha@MindBodySoulEnergy.co.uk

Filed under: mind

Are you, like most of us, attached to your phone? Do you constantly check your messages even when you don’t need to? Are you constantly distracted by notifications for FaceBook, emails, texts, WhatsApp, FaceBook messenger, Skype? Do you grab for your phone in a restaurant or cafe when the other person momentarily leaves you on your own?

Sometimes there’s barely a minute that goes by without our phones distracting us.

Recently, I started getting completely overwhelmed with receiving messages via loads of different apps. If I didn’t have time to respond straight away I’d then spend ages trying to find the message they’d sent me because I couldn’t remember how they’d contacted me! It was really frustrating and I realised how much time I was wasting!

Now, I allocated time to respond to certain messages and work my way through them slowly. It’s made my life so much easier. And less stressful, because I don’t feel I need to respond immediately!

Also, were you aware that every time you are distracted from what you are doing, it can take you up to 15 minutes to get back into the flow of what you were doing? Yes 15 minutes! So the next time your phone vibrates with an alert, and your attention is drawn away from what you are doing, you just lost yourself some very precious minutes.

Can you imagine what you might get done now you know this?! We can stop being constantly pulled in lots of directions with these distractions, we can feel calmer, and we can feel more in control and ultimately be more productive. We become more in tune with what we are doing and allow ourselves to be more in the present moment.

Here are 4 more tips to help:

1. Turn off all your notifications. Go into each of your apps and turn off all the notifications. Or at least turn off the sound and vibrate, so that you’re attention is not drawn to your phone every time you get one.

2. Allocate time to turn off your phone completely. Next time you have a something important to get done, or have a deadline to meet turn off your phone completely or pop it onto airplane mode for 30 minutes. Close emails on your laptop too. You can get back to people when you are done. This way your task will get your full attention and you’ll get it done much quicker, I promise!

3. Be comfortable in moments when you are on your own. We are no longer comfortable to sit on our own for short periods. Be that on the bus, walking or in a cafe. Next time you’re in this situation, avoid the phone for 5 minutes, and know that you’re ok in your own company for a short time. Notice what’s going on around you and what you might be missing had you been distracted by technology.

4. Don’t sleep with your phone! When you go to bed leave the phone in another room. The temptation to check it is great, even when you wake momentarily in the night to check the time. Even if you think the vibration doesn’t wake you up it does interrupt the quality of your sleep. Treat yourself to an alarm clock 🙂

Try one of these out today, and see if you get more done, or sleep better! I’m curious to know. It’s got to be worth a try, hasn’t it?

Remember: Start small… you don’t have to turn your phone off for the whole day! If 30 minutes seems too much, just try out 10 minutes where you are completely focused on the task in hand.

Much love
Natasha x

P.S. When or how do you get most distracted? If you’re not easily distracted by your phone, then what does distract you? Be open to noticing when your focus is being pulled in a different direction, and see how you can avoid it the next time. I’d love to hear how you are getting on…… Drop me an email or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start! Natasha@MindBodySoulEnergy.co.uk

avoid distractions

Filed under: mindWell Being

Refer a friend and receive a gift from me

I currently have availability to work with 2 more clients. As we’ve already worked together, you know exactly how I work!

And I’m wondering if you know someone that might benefit in the same ways you did by working with me.

Do you know someone who is:

  • Overwhelmed with all that life throws at them?
  • Stuck and frustrated with no idea how to make the changes they want?
  • Making the same mistakes over and over again in their life and unable to break these cycles of behaviour
  • Running and 100mph and wants to find a way to slow down
  • Keen to find another way of doing things
  • Sensing that there must be more to their lives

What does your friend/colleague receive?

They will receive a free consultation with me to chat through their challenges, and I can explain how I work. They’ll get a few mindfulness tools to get them started too.

Of course, there’s absolutely no obligation for them to work with me. 

I won’t do a hard sell, I promise. 

My aim is to support them on a journey to change their lives. 

But they have to be ready to make a start.

What do you get for helping me:

Apart from knowing that you are helping our friend or colleague, you’ll also get a gift from me!

As a thank you, for every client that ends up working with me, you’ll receive a free 30 minute session to support you going forward. If you’d prefer something else, just let me know. Perhaps you’d prefer a voucher for something, or you’d like me to make a donation to a charity close to your heart.

I’m keen to continue helping as many people as I can, and to ensure that I can support all my clients as best as I can, I only work with a maximum of 15 clients at a time. This way I also have time continue to develop some exciting new tools and resources and reach even more people. 

I believe we live in more challenging times than ever, but we don’t have to struggle through things

What do you need to do now to join my referral scheme:

Just send me an email natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk and let me know if you have people in mind. I’ll give you some more information and give you some free cards that you can hand out to your friends offering them a free consultation. 

Thank you so much for your support and help,
I really appreciate it

Filed under: mind

Do you sometimes arrive somewhere, and wonder ‘How on earth did I get here?’ I know I do and hardly remember anything at all about the journey. I was either distracted by what I had to do later, or I was lost in something I was doing earlier. We can sometimes go through life in this way: a little bit distracted or lost and wondering how we got to where we are today.

But when we stop, even just for a moment to notice our surroundings we create a little bit of space. In that space things appear to slow down a little and we can see a little bit clearer. We start to recognise what might actually be going on in that very moment. We show up engaged and ready.

But how do I slow down, you ask? You are busy. You are really busy. You’re juggling many things: work, family, children and life in general. Surely there’s no time to slow down!?

What if I said that slowing down doesn’t mean you get less done, it can actually means you can get MORE done!

Watch the Video here:

By introducing one (or more) of these 3 easy and simple tips to your daily routine, you will start to feel calmer and more relaxed in a matter of minutes. You will feel more in control and on top of things. You can spend as little 2-3 minutes on each.

1. Take a few deep breaths
How deeply do you breathe? My guess is not very deeply at all. Mostly we breathe using only the top part of our lungs, which means that we rarely exchange the stale, older air in the bottom parts. Breathing properly improves our health, reduces stress and helps our organs to function optimally. This really is a simple way to feel better very quickly!

Take a few deep breaths. Is it easier to breathe in or out? Can you feel your body relaxing with each cycle? What else do you notice?

2. Write a daily gratitude list
What are you grateful for? Often it’s the really small things we are most grateful for – a kind word, the smell of coffee, birds singing. In becoming aware of the small things we realise how many great things that happen every single day!

Write down 3 things that you are grateful for each day for the next 7 days. What especially brought a smile to your face?

3. Listen and give your full attention
How often do you actually feel heard? In conversations with friends and colleagues we sometimes only listen partly. We can quickly become distracted by our own thoughts, and we quickly claim we know exactly what they mean.  Sound familiar?

Next time you are having a chat with someone, notice how much you actually hear. Give them your full attention and be curious. Ask questions, rather than sharing your own thoughts and feelings about the situation. How differently does that person respond when you really hear them?

Remember: start small, and build from there. There’s no rush!
You only need to spend 2-3 minutes on each.

P.S Each day this week give one of these a try. Next week try a different one, or add one. Which one is easier than the others? Drop me an email if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to get going, or what to let me know how you’re getting on! Natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

Slow DownandBreathe

Filed under: Mindfulness

Wonderful Reiki and healing benefits


As a Reiki Master I love receiving Reiki. Not only is it an important part of my Reiki journey to deepen my connection with the universal energies and increase my own vibration, but it also reminds me how I experience every session differently. As I’ve mentioned in some of my other posts, Reiki energies do not stop working as soon as the treatment ends, they stay with us for days or sometimes weeks afterwards. So it’s always fascinating for me to spend some time reflecting on what’s been going on for me a week or so after a treatment.

So, here are a few of the wonderful benefits I’ve received from other practitioners. Thank you! Would you like to share some of your own experiences and benefits? I’d love to hear from you.

1. Increased energy

I sometimes bound out of a session, bright eyed and busy tailed! I feel that something has shifted in me straight away and given me the space to move more freely and effortlessly. There’s a spring in my step and everything outside seems somehow brighter and more alive. It’s almost as though my vision was slightly blurry beforehand. My senses are heightened and I’m more aware of everything going on around me.

Move through your days feeling truly alive.

2. Slowing down

In a busy world, life seems to move at an ever increasing pace. This fast pace can be tiring and often exhausting. Sometimes after a session you might feel like you need to rest. This is Reiki’s gentle way of saying “Please stop and slow down. It’s ok to rest.” This doesn’t always feel natural to me. But i also recognise that when I reach that state of balance between doing and being, I am calmer, more centred and I actually achieve more! That’s why I always listen when the energies encourage me to slow down. It’s as though the healing can then take place on a much deeper level. Trust that what needs to be done will still get done.

Relish moving at a slightly slower pace

3. Healing for our highest good.

Reiki works with intention. It’s often helpful to spend a little time before a session contemplating what you’d like from the session. Would you like to gain some clarity, let go of something, resolve a conflict, or just have some quiet relaxation? I always like to give my clients a little time for this before we begin with the Reiki. It helps you arrive into the space, start to connect with how you are feeling and allow the mind to quieten. When we set an intention, the universe listens and energy starts to organise so that outcome can materialise.

But watch out, sometimes the universe has other ideas of what is best for you! What we think we need is not always what we need in that moment! Reiki energies always know what needs to happen in your highest interest. And this can sometimes be the complete opposite to what you expected or intended. It’s almost like the energies are playing, but it’s always gentle, loving and supportive.

Whatever happens it’s always in your best interest!

4. Balancing

Do you know when to work hard, and then when to go home and spend time with friends and family relaxing? Do you know when to rest your body because you are in pain, or when your body can handle the physical challenge? D you know when to leave an unhealthy relationship or when to stay and work through something together to make the relationship stronger? Reiki can give you an insight into which aspect of your life might be off-balance and with this awareness you then have the ability to make rational and balanced decisions. You just know what to do.

Do you remember a time when you had a moment of utter clarity? You just knew what to do, and you didn’t question it. My guess is you did it regardless of the doubts that might have crept in. It’s my belief in these moments our hearts, minds and souls are  in perfect balance and it becomes very clear what action is needed in order to move forward.

From a place of balance everything can change.

5. Letting go

When we work with Reiki energies they will help us loosen any attachments to things or people that are holding us back. This can literally feel like a connecting string (or cord), which is continually tugging at you and preventing you from moving forward. The healing then feels, to me, a little like someone loosening a tight knot that has appeared in those cords. It might take a few sessions for the knot to loosen and untie itself before the string can start to dissolve, allowing you to let go completely. You can suddenly move more freely, no longer being held to your past experiences.

Let go of the past and create a different future!

6. Connection to universal energies

We are never truly alone, spirit is always guiding us. There are moments in the session where I feel it’s not just me and the practitioner (or the client) in the room. I sense the presence of something bigger, an additional and supportive hand contributing to the healing session.

This feeling can stay with me long after the session, and I know I’m not alone. Our guardian angels, spirit guides, universal energies – or whatever you feel most comfortable calling them – are always present. Because we are not always aware of them, it doesn’t mean they are not there looking out for us. But the more you notice and connect to them the more they will be willing to show you.

Be curious about what’s right in front of you and the answers become clearer!

7. Something more subtle

You can’t quite put your finger on what’s changed, but you know something has. It’s strange, sometimes I wonder after a session what the benefit has been. Sometimes it is days, if not weeks, before I realise that something has definitely changed in me. It’s something subtle, something I cannot quite put my finger on, and something I cannot quite put into words. It’s times like these that I get my journal out and try to write about what ‘feels’ different. It’s in these moments of expression that this learning and realisation embeds itself deeper within me. Clarity can be amazingly powerful!

Change is not always obvious and immediate – Be patient!


Of course, your experience might be completely different to what I’ve shared above. But whatever Reiki is trying to show us – be it healing, letting go, relaxing or something else – it’s sometimes so dramatically different from the state we usually operate from that it might feel uncomfortable. It’s especially in these moments of discomfort that we learn the most. And when we face it head on, rather than try to turn away from the discomfort, the most amazing changes can start to appear in our lives!

One important thing to remember is to stay open. Every session will be different to the last. Whatever I experience (or not), I trust it’s a perfect reflection of exactly what I need in that very moment. I will turn up to every session in a slightly different emotional, physical or spiritual state and I allow Reiki to heal me in the perfect way I need. Sometimes, that is the only intention that we need to turn up to a session with. Stay open to what shows itself – it is always relevant! Enjoy.

Are these some of the benefits you’ve noticed from receiving energy healing? Would you like to experience some of these and more? Then get in touch with me for a treatment – Natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

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Filed under: bodymindReikisoulWell Being

Becoming friends with our emotions

Welcoming our emotions with open arms rather than a cold shoulder.

with-you-1306601Becoming friends with your emotions – what if you could forge a deeper understanding and relationship with your emotions to empower you and to work with you, rather than against you?

I was recently chatting to my dear friend about her yoga practice. She finally realised that her hip problem just wasn’t going away, and it was time to give it some well deserved attention. She came to the conclusion that during her yoga practice she really needed to start leaving her ego at the door, stop striving for that ‘perfect’ position and really start to listen to what her body was saying.

This left me with a very clear, and amusing, image of our dear friend, ego, being firmly told: ‘Sorry mate, you’ll just have to sit this one out and wait in reception for me until I’ve finished my class!’ He was definitely a bit sulky, arms crossed with a brooding face. He’d probably brood a while. Get the picture? But I also saw his mood wasn’t permanent. He’ll get over it! Slowly he’ll get used to being left there, especially as he learns that you always collect him on the way out.

The question struck me ‘what if I could really begin to make friends with all my emotions?’ Let’s take sadness, for example. How about, instead of shutting her out, I invited her in for a cuppa when she comes knocking. We could have a good old chat and reach a conclusion that satisfies us both. After all she appears in order to show me something. She has something to say and she wants me to listen and hear her out. Who am I to deny her? Isn’t that what we do when a friend is upset with us? We don’t  slam the door in their face. We invite them in, we chat, we discuss, we conclude and we move on. As most of us know, if we don’t resolve an argument we can fester on it. It ruins our day, our week, our year. Sometimes it even ruins our lives if we can’t let go of the pain and anger that we are holding on to.

How powerful then would it be if, instead, if we invited our emotions in and really listened to them? It’s my experience, when I ignore those emotions they get frustrated and they tend to just bang louder. They might disappear for a while but when they come back they bring their mates. Fear, anger and perhaps depression.

What emotion knocks the loudest for you? Anxiety, frustration, fear, sadness? How could you change your relationship with this emotion by listening to it for a while? Perhaps writing allows you connect to that emotion better. Ask it some questions… What does it want? What does it have to say to you? What could you do to quieten it? What are you not noticing?

Is this something that you’d like to explore further through coaching? Would you like to explore how you can create more emotional balance? Would you like to start living your life with more awareness and understanding of how your emotional wellbeing impacts your work, relationships, health and wellbeing? Then get in touch with me for a free consultation to see how we might work together – Natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk

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Filed under: mind

6 simple things to do after energy treatments


6 post Reiki tips

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Filed under: HappinessMeditationmindReikiTaster Treatments

Fashion Fix Fundraiser raises nearly £500

The Fashion Fix fundraising event in Kensal Rise on Friday 9th March was a great success. Nearly £500 was raised on the night and the money will go towards a much needed maker-over of the community hall of St Marks Church, Kensal Rise.

I really enjoyed the evening and it was great to be part of this local community event. There was a great atmosphere throughout the night with stalls offering  makeovers and manicures, as well as a clothes swap and a bar.

Treatments were being giving inside the church which provided a beautiful, serene, candle lit atmosphere. I was giving 15 minute Reiki taster sessions throughout the evening and was delighted to see so many wanting a taster. Sorry to anyone that I didn’t manage to get to see for a session.

Thank you to everyone that contributed to raising so much money and making the evening such a great success.  I look forward in taking part next time.

If you attended the event I’m offering £10 off a full session if booked before the 30th April 2012. Don’t worry if you no longer have your voucher, just drop me an email or give me a call and I’ll happily book your session.

See you soon!

Filed under: FundraisingHappinessLivingmindReikisoulTaster TreatmentsWell Being

Come and join me for an evening of Fundraising in Kensal Rise

There will be a number of things going on through out the evening:

 – A local Fashion Editor, Torri Mundell, will be giving an overview of this seasons catwalk
 – Gorgeous Hair Salon in Kensal Rise
 – A clothes swaps (bring 3 items of clothes you don’t wear & swap them)
 – Stalls offering make-overs, reiki healing, reflexology & manicures
 – A bar serving beer and wine.

I, Natasha Harris, will be offering short Reiki Healing Taster Treatments on the night – Come along to try it out!!

The event has been run a couple of times over the last few years & it has been a great success. The hall is used for toddler groups, dance classes, OAP groups etc & is in need of maintenance works.

Please come along and support the Kensal Rise Community Centre. See you there!

Location: Community hall, next to St Marks Church on Bathurst Gardens, Kensal Rise, NW10. 
Date: Friday 9th March 2012
Cost: £5 entrance on the door
(All proceeds raised are donated to the community hall)

Filed under: FundraisingmindReikisoulTaster TreatmentsWell Being

Chakras Explained

There are 7 major chakras (ch-ok-ra) in the body. They are situated along the spine and are referred to as wheels or gateways that allow the energy to flow both upward to the crown and downward to the feet.

Each chakra is associated with one of our senses (smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing,), an element (earth, water, fire, air and space) a colour (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Each chakra can also be stimulated by a number of yoga poses (asanas); breathing exercises (pranayama); or sounds (mantras). There are number of other ways to stimulate, balance or calm the chakras such as meditations and the use of flower essenses which I sometimes also use in my sessions.

The 7 Chakras:

  1. Root chakra (Muladhara)
  2. Sacral chakra (Swadhisthana)
  3. Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura)
  4. Heart chakra (Anahata)
  5. Throat chakra (Vishuddha)
  6. Brow or Third Eye chakra (Ajna)
  7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara)

Bringing these 7 seven Chakras into balance can create a sense of clarity and well-being within us. I have seen how my clients have experienced amazing shifts and changes in their lives through using a combination of methods in my Reiki sessions.

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Filed under: AjnaAnahataChakraCrown ChakraHeart ChakraManipuraMeditationmindMuladharaRoot ChakraSacral ChakraSahasraraSolar Plexus ChakraSwadhisthanaThroat ChakraVishuddhaWell BeingYoga

Anatomy of the Chakras Course


I have just completed a 5 day intensive course on the Anatomy of the Chakras with Tias Little (http://www.prajnayoga.net/tias-little/).

WOW! What a great course! Tias is a mindful and thoughtful teacher who brings about an awareness of how yoga can maintain a balance of  the emotional, subtle and physical bodies.

It really helped me to tie together my love of practicing yoga with the physical benefits of movement and stretching. Not only has this course deepened my own yoga practice but it has also offered me relief from my ongoing and nagging back complaint. Thank you!

Movement and yoga is an important part of healing our energy systems, and during the course we were given an array of tools to ensure that yoga remains a mindful practice that enhances our wellbeing for the good of all things. Tias also emphasisis the importance of meditation, breathing and something that is a challenge to me – chanting!

I will be writing a series of posts on each of the chakras. I will explain them in turn, highlighting common physical and emotional issues associated with each and the yoga poses that can help to breathe the energy back into those areas.

I hope that you find these useful and helpful, but if you have any questions please get in touch via my contact form or email me at info@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk


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Filed under: Blog NewsReikiWell BeingYoga

Reiki in North West London

Welcome to Mind Body & Soul Energy.

I’m really excited to be launching my new website. I have been studying and practicing Reiki since early 2010 and am now a Reiki Master practitioner.

From my own experience and from those that I have treated, I know Reiki to be a powerful healing therapy, shifting and balancing our energies and helping to release the things that no longer serves us.

I believe that Reiki can be a wonderful compliment to many other therapies. I see it as a bridge bringing harmony to any areas of our lives that are a little off balance, and finding a way to use other techniques in our daily lifes to keep a longer term sense of well-being. I do this by incorporating my experience of yoga, breathing, meditation and flower essences, and more into my sessions.

If you’re interested in Reiki, would like to book a session or just want more information please email me at info@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk or get in touch via my Contact Form

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Happiness is what it’s all about!

Happiness is what it’s all about!

Do you want to actively participate in your life and be HAPPY?

Rapidly, more focus is being made on what makes us happy rather than on everything that makes us unhappy and the things we need to fix. In looking at the negative we can only see what we don’t want or have. What about the positive stuff we do want or have?

What do you love to do? What are you passionate about? Are you doing these things? If not, isn’t it time to start?

See what Action for Happiness are doing and how you can get involved to spread the word!

Have a look at their website

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Filed under: Blog NewsHappinessLivingmindWell Being