Are you running your own business and want to impact the world but feel too overwhelmed by the day to day? Are you a leader within your organisation feeling frustrated by others and the task in hand? Are you a parent who wants to lead a good example to your kids?

Do you have a vision to create change in the world?

Last week I spent 3 days in Phoenix, Arizona with 1,100 other business owners. At first I was completely overcome at the idea of being in a room with so many people. 

But what stood out for me was that every single person in that room, including the “already made it” key note speakers, had a clear vision to have a positive impact on others. They wanted to change lives, have a positive impact on the world and give back.

And it was incredibly inspiring. 

It made me realise a few things:

  • Having a clear vision of the impact you want to have is key.
  • Understand why this vision is really, really important to you.
  • Make a promise to yourself that your vision will become a reality.
  • Commit to that vision and taking the action that’s needed. 

It also got me thinking about my own mission to create positive change in the world. 

It’s always been a passion of mine – to create change. I’ve worked in the charity sector for environmental and social causes for many years.

Now my vision is to support people in making their own visions a reality. Supporting them to gain clarity about their own vision and the impact they want to have – on the world, in our community, in our career, with our business, and for our family and loved ones. 

It doesn’t matter if your vision is great or small. We can all lead in whatever we are doing.

Are you clear about your vision and desire and are you working towards it? 

Or do you feel you’re a little off track and don’t really know how to make it all happen?

There are many things that can help you achieve your vision so that you can lead the way forwards for others.

Read my top 3 tips that will help you on my blog here OR watch the video below

  1. Vulnerability – it’s ok not to have all the answers. Show your kids, team or clients that you’re only human and sometimes we don’t always know the direct route to creating that vision. What we can do is lead ourselves (and others) to the first next step along the way – this way the next step beyond that becomes clearer.
  1. Honesty – be honest with yourself, but also be honest with others. Speak up for what’s important to you. Be honest about what’s getting in your way or holding you back and be willing to overcome them. The important ingredients are compassion and understanding. It’s ok if your vision changes or grows with you along the way.
  1. Connection – when you get the first 2 on track you create real connections with others. You impact lives and it creates a ripple effect outwards. This is how you can change the world, create a movement and bring people along with you. You lead by living your own truth every day.

Remember:  Start small and build from there. If you’re stuck, or if overwhelm is getting in the way of making your vision a reality, then get in touch and let’s chat about how, together, we can make it a reality. 

Much love,

Natasha x 

P.S. What one thing is getting in the way of making your vision a reality right now? Stand strong in your vision. Don’t give up. Get back on track, and commit. Others need you. 

P.P.S Reply via email – I’d love to hear how you are getting on, or let me know if you’re struggling and need a little inspiration to make a start!

Filed under: mind