In life, we are presented with many different challenges. Some of those challenges are fun, exciting and make us feel alive. We wake in the morning with an excitement and curiosity at what the day will potentially bring us. Other challenges may feel like cumbersome obstacles in our lives, where decision making can be a somewhat difficult process! This can, in turn, stop us from embracing situations fully, making us feel sluggish and can keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns which don’t allow us to move forward. It may be how we approach these challenges that makes all the difference. Combining Coaching and Reiki work amazing well together. Firstly a 1 hour coaching session will bring about a conscious understanding of the positive changes you wish to make. Mindfulness and Life Coaching is a transformational way to initiate positive change in your life. Together we will explore what changes you want to make in one or more areas of your life and how to go about making these changes. I will encourage you to look at alternative ways of doing things, so that you feel both challenged and satisfied. I will give you the space to reflect on where you are now and through appropriate goal setting where you want to be in the not too distant future, identifying anything that may be holding you back. Following this you will receive a 1 hour Reiki session, where you lay back comfortably and relax rather than heading straight out the door back to your busy life. In the Reiki Session we work to bring about further clarity and balance to the situation we’ve worked on together in the coaching sessions. This gives you additional time and space to allow the changes to occur on a deeper, energetic level. Call me on 020 8452 6539, Email me at OR complete and submit the Contact Form to find out more.Coaching & Reiki Treatments for Mind, Body & Soul
With Natasha HarrisCombined sessions
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